European Days of Jewish Culture / 2023



Interview with David Weis, president of the dynamic Liberal Jewish Community of Luxembourg

Jguideeurope : Are you participating in this year’s European Days of Jewish Culture ? Which cultural events are planned during 2023-4? 

David Weis : We will organise an open day. Apart from the Limmud in December, we organise regular weekly study classes for adults, Talmud Torah classes for children, prayer services. We also try and revive other synagogues that are no longer in use in the region, such as the one in Mondorf les Bains.


Can you tell us a bit more about the Limmud event you’re organizing during Channukah?

This Limmud is organised under the auspices of Limmud Europe, with the help of a grant from the European Commission. The topic will be ‘Enlightenment’ and turn around the past 200 years of Jewish history as well as future in Luxembourg, the greater region and Europe in general. We’ll have concerts, prayers, learning sessions, food and music for our participants. More information can be found at

Can you share a personal anecdote about an emotional encounter with a visitor or researcher during a previous event?

The most emotional moment of last year was the return as a full Jew of a member with Sephardic roots. He went through a confirmation process in our shul and we welcomed him back to the tribe in February. We have more and more requests of people with Jewish roots who want to reconnect and often convert. This is now a major trend, which we welcome openly!