European Days of Jewish Culture / 2024


Although today there are few traces of pre-war Jewish life in Rotterdam, the community remains quite active and organizes regular events to share this cultural heritage.

Jguideeurope: Which cultural events will you organize in 2024-5? 

We do not plan ahead for the whole year. For an up-to-date overview of events, please check our website regularly:

Have you perceived an evolution in the public interest towards Dutch Jewish culture?

Not really. Since 7 october many with Jewish roots have shown extra interest and a need for connecting with others. But beside that, from the general non-Jewish public I do not witness a change in interest towards (Dutch) Jewish culture

Do you organize visits of local Jewish heritage?

Due to the fact that Rotterdam was bombed during World War II, there is very little local Jewish heritage left to visit. There is barely anything to see than some plaques on buildings indicating what was. This site gives a beautiful overview of our Jewish history: