
Hebraica’s cultural activities

Publié le 5 March 2025

From 9 to 23 March 2025

The very active Hebraica centre in Toulouse is offering a number of activities in March. These include a film-debate with the presentation of the film Le miroir aux alouettes (on 9 March at 3.30pm at the Cinéma CGR Montauban), a round table on the Resistance fighter Silvio Trentin (on 12 March at 6pm at the Institut Catholique de Toulouse, a conference on ‘Antijudaism during the Lumières’ era, from Voltaire to Vichy’ by Isy Morgensztern (on 13 March at 6.30pm by zoom), a literary encounter with Roger Fajnzylberg about the book What I saw in Auschwitz (on 19 March at 6pm at the Ombres Blanches bookshop in Toulouse) and a film-debate with the screening of The Brutalist, moderated by Maurice Lugassy (on 23 March at 3pm at Cinéma CGR Montauban).

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