January – February 2023
In partnership with the Compagnie Théâtre’âme, the Médiathèque Jacques Chirac and the Théâtre de la Madeleine, the Institut Universitaire Européen Rachi proposes a series of meetings. The first will take place on January 12 with the presentation of excerpts from “Reflections on the Jewish Question – A Cabaret” followed by a discussion with Paul Gradvohl and Gérard Rabinovitch. This play represents a salutary antidote to the contemporary anti-Semitic climate. On February 7, author Aurélie Barjonnet will give a lecture on L’ère des non-témoins. The literature of the “grandchildren of the Shoah,” examining how writers who did not live through the Shoah tell the story of the event.
Institut Universitaire Européen Rachi
2 rue Brunneval, 10000 Troyes