
Book festival

Publié le 13 May 2024

8 June 2024 at the House of Yiddish Culture

A Book Fair will bring together a host of authors and translators, including Sylvie-Anne Goldberg, Annette Wieviorka, Talila, Virginie Linhart and Michael Sibony, Robert Bobert, Henri Raczymov, Arnaud Bikard, Magali Bertrand, Carole Mann, Elise Golberg, Bernard Suchecky, Katia Faber-Simbler and Ami Flammer. There will also be a number of publishing houses, including Editions Bibliothèque Medem, Editions de L’Antilope and Editions Lior. There will also be a book-signing session and a second-hand book sale.

Le livre en fête (en présentiel) –