
European Days of Jewish Culture

Publié le 30 July 2024

15 September 2024 from 10am at the Beth Yaacov Great Synagogue and the Geneva Liberal Jewish Community (GIL)

A wide range of activities will be on offer throughout the day. Starting with a guided tour of Beth Yaacov by historian Jean Plançon, followed by a tasting of traditional Shabbat dishes. The day continues at the GIL with a visit by Rabbi Emeritus François Garaï. There will also be a talk by Nathan Alfred on ‘The Jewish family: myths and stereotypes’. And to round things off with some music, at 5pm Noga, in a trio with Patrick Bebey and Arnaud Laprêt, will be singing Shabbat melodies.

Save the date – Journée Européenne de la Culture Juive à Genève – Communauté Israélite de Genève (