European Days of Jewish Culture / 2022


Interview with David Weis, President of the Liberal Jewish Community of Luxembourg

Jguideeurope : Can you tell us about the recent cultural events organized in Esch in 2022?

David Weis : Early this year we organised an Israeli inspired TuBiShevat Seder. We coorganised the national IHRD commemorations at place de la synagogue in Esch in January. For Purim we did an online reading of the Megillah in multiple languages. This is turning out to be quite a nice tradition now. We also enjoyed a potluck dinner in the synagogue for Purim as well as activities for the children. On Yom Hashoah we had a presentation by Maître François Moyse about the “spoliations agreements”, which determine how non-Luxembourgish Jews who died or suffered in WWII while in Luxembourg can receive a compensation from the Luxembourg State. For Yom Haatzmaut we organised a very well-attended BBQ and debate on progressive Zionism. Shavuot was also marked by a community dinner and a diverse Tikkun Leyl Shavuot programme.

Shavouoth in Esch

How is Jewish culture shared by the local authorities?

We fully coordinate with local authorities and share our respective events with each other. They are advertised in any official communication.

Which events will be featured in 2022?

We are planning a few open-door events, Israeli dances, Chazzanut concerts, talks and museum visits. For more updated info visit or our facebook page. 2023 will be a very special year as we are hoping to launch our first Limmud Luxembourg event, in the framework of the ‘Memories’ future’ project of Limmud Europe, which is funded by the European Union.