We interviewed Baruch Lampronti, representative of the Cultural Heritage Commission of the Jewish Community of Torino and programmer of the website visitjewishitaly.it

Jguideeurope: Do you take part in the European Days of Jewish Culture. If so, which events are organised in Torino?
Baruch Lampronti: Instead of the theme “Memory” chosen in Europe, the Union of Jewish Communities in Italy (UCEI) has rather devoted the EDJC 2023 to the topic of “Beauty”. As every year, the Jewish Community of Turin arranges the opening with free guided tours of each synagogue within its jurisdiction.
Which events will be organized on the themes of beauty on the 10th of September?
- The beauty in the Jewish music: “Interactive multimedia stations” for listening songs and musics from different Jewish traditions (classical, Yiddish, Sephardi and Israeli) set in the square out of the synagogue of Turin.
- The beauty in the synagogues of Piedmont: clip “Le sinagoghe del Piemonte. Un viaggio fra passato e futuro” showed all day long in the square out of the synagogue of Turin and in other synagogues of the region.
- An exhibit of printed quotes on the beauty from different Jewish sources will be displayed on the Turin synagogue fence for the whole weekend, from Friday 8th.
- Typical Jewish holidays tables will be set by the local section of the WIZO.
- In the afternoon we’ll have a talk with Elisabetta Triola Di Porto and Rav Alberto Somekh concerning “The dimensions of beauty in Judaism”.
- And to finish the day in music, a concert at 6 pm by the klezmer band Mishkalè.