The Alsace region is the one with the most towns and villages on our site, reflecting the importance of its Jewish cultural heritage. It is therefore no surprise that in this region with such an ancient and culturally significant Judaism, many events are organized there for the European Days of Jewish Culture. Here is the list of these events classified according to city.

– September 22: guided tours of the synagogue (10 a.m.-12 p.m.). Conference “Facets of Jewish heritage in Franche-Comté” by Michelle Marchal (2:30 p.m.). Conference “Jewish destinies” by Haïm Musicant (5 p.m.).
– September 8: visit to the Jewish cemetery (4 p.m), then at the synagogue screening of the film Golem (1920), accompanied by the musicians of the No Limit Orchestra (5 p.m).
– September 22: guided tour of the Jewish cemetery by Jean-Marc Lalevée (4 p.m.).
– September 22: tribute day to Leonard Cohen at the Judeo-Alsatian Museum, with a conference by Christophe Lebold (2:30 p.m.) and the screening of a documentary by Tony Palmer (5 p.m.).
– September 1: visits to the synagogue (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and the Jewish cemetery (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). Klezmer concert at 5 p.m.
– September 8: visits to the synagogue (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) and the Jewish cemetery (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.).
– September 15: guided tours and presentation of the “Families” exhibition at the synagogue (2 p.m.-5 p.m.).
– September 22: guided tour of the Jewish cemetery with Marie-Josèphe Weiss, Memory Watcher (3 p.m.).
– September 8: guided tours of the Jewish cemetery every hour between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.
– September 29: guided tour of the Jewish cemetery by Vincent Fender (2 p.m.).
– September 8: open days with guided tours of the synagogue (10 a.m.-12 p.m.).
– September 15: guided tour of the synagogue with Michel Levy (10 a.m.). Klezmer concert with the Di Freynt trio as part of the Hanau Jewish music mini-festival (4 p.m.).
– October 27: visit to the Jewish cemetery (10 a.m.-12 p.m.). Day dedicated to the Jewish community on the occasion of the 1300 years of the rebirth of the abbey church with conferences by Alain Kahn (11 a.m.), Bertrand Rietsch (2 p.m.) and Jean-Pierre Lambert (3 p.m.). Concert by the Hebrew Polyphonies of Strasbourg at the Saint-Etienne Abbey Church (5 p.m.).
– September 8: open days with guided tours of the synagogue (2:30 p.m.-5 p.m.).
– September 8: screening of the film “Woman and Judaism. Transmission” by Brigitte Kahn, visits to the exhibitions “The Jewish Memory of Neuwiller” and “The Family”. At 3 p.m., guided tour “In the footsteps of Jewish memory in Nauwiller”. At 5 p.m., klezmer music and stories by Rose Bacot.
– September 8 and 22: exhibition “The Jewish families of Obernai at the synagogue (10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 2 p.m.-5 p.m.). At 5:30 p.m., presentation of the book “Obernai, a Jewish community at home in its city.
– September 8: guided tour of the Israelite cemetery (3 p.m.), Orchestra concert
Papyros’N at the community hall (5 p.m.).
– October 19: evening of humor and Jewish stories with musical accompaniment by Béatrice Sommer and Sandrine Weidmann (8 p.m.).
– October 20: conference “The plants of the Torah, the Bible and the Koran” by Béatrice Sommer (2:30 p.m.).
– September 8: Open days with activities around genealogy, with members of CHAAN and AGAWE (2 p.m.-6 p.m.).
– September 15: Open days with activities around genealogy (2 p.m.-6 p.m.).
– September 1: guided tour of the Grande Synagogue de la Paix (4 p.m.), then screening of the film Golem (1920), accompanied by the musicians of the No Limit Orchestra (5 p.m.).
– September 8: visit to the historic sites of Strasbourg Judaism with the Popular University of Krutenau (10 a.m.) and with the Strasbourg Tourist Office (3 p.m.). Musical conference by Hector Sabo at the Liberal Jewish Union of Strasbourg (5:30 p.m.).
– September 15: guided tour “rites and objects in the family life of Alsatian Jews” at the Alsatian Museum (11 a.m.). Conference by Dominique Jarrassé on “the synagogues of Tunisia” at the Grande Synagogue de la Paix (5 p.m.).
– September 22: guided tour “rites and objects in the family life of Alsatian Jews” at the Alsatian Museum (11 a.m.).
– September 8: Guided tour of the synagogue (2 p.m.). Klezmer concert with the Klezmhear trio as part of the Hanau Jewish music mini-festival (4 p.m.).
– September 22: visit to the Jewish cemetery (11 a.m., 3 p.m.) and the synagogue (2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.) with the “families” exhibition.
– September 15: Guided tour of the synagogue attic and the “Jews/Christians, closer than you think” exhibition.
– September 8: Evocation of the life of Jewish families during the Second World War (two sessions, at 2 p.m., then 3:30 p.m.) at the Villé synagogue.
– September 12: Concert as part of the Hanau Jewish music mini-festival at the synagogue (8:30 p.m.).
– September 22: hiking offered by the Westhoffen and Surrounding History Association (9:30 a.m.).