Practical info

The following journalists and historians wrote The Cultural Guide to Jewish Europe with the collaboration of Denis Lévy-Willard (2002) :

Jean-Yves Camus (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden)

Emmanuel Haymann (France)

Florence La Bruyère (Hungary)

Charles Lesselbaum (Spain, Portugal)

Sandra Lumbrose (Ireland)

Katinka Mezei (Austria)

Alain Navarro (Greece)

Elie Nicolas (France -Provence)

Edgar Reichmann (Romanie)

Luc Rosenzweig (Germany)

Marc Sagnol (Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Russia)

Marc Semo (Italy, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey)

Nicolas Shashahani  (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia)

Brigitte Sion (Switzerland)

Catherine Taylor (Belgium, Great Britain)

Olivia Zemor (The Netherlands

Correction, and edition of this online guide under the direction of Laura Schwartz (2016-2019):

Selim Bonfil (Turkey)

Emmanuel Dreyfus (Ukraine, Moldavia, Georgia)

Chantal Viotte-Rabinovitch – Jewish Memory Association of Beziers (Beziers)

Carme Grau i Oliveras – Museum-treasure of the Sant Estève Church of Olot