Ilioupoleos 1, Athina 116 36
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Ilioupoleos 1, Athina 116 36
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Logginou 3, Athina 116 36 +30 21 0922 1621
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Nikis 39, Athens +30 21 0322 5582
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Melidoni 5, Athina 105 53, Greece tel +30 21 0325 2823
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Melidoni 8, Athina 105 53 Tel : +30 21 0325 2823
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Below the Acropolis is Athens, a marble plaque engraved with a menorah has been uncovered amid the clutter of the Agora, near a statue of Emperor Hadrien. Perhaps it used to rest on one of the ancient synagogues visited by Saint Paul, who had as little success with the Athenian Jews as the Greek philosophers had with the Areopagus.
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