Carrer de Marlet’ 5, 08002 Barcelona Tel (+34) 93 317 07 90
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Carrer de Marlet’ 5, 08002 Barcelona Tel (+34) 93 317 07 90
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Ctra. de Montjuïc, 66, 08038 Barcelona +34 932 56 44 45
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Plaça del Rei, s/n, 08002 Barcelona +34 932 56 21 00
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The Jews settled in Catalonia in Roman times, and communities began to take shape in Barcelona and Gerona in the tenth century. By the twelfth century, there were five major Jewish centers: Barcelona, Gerona, Lerida, Tortosa, and Perpignan (French Catalonia). The Jews are mentioned in Catalonia’s first legal code, Els Usatges de la Cort de Barcelona. They distinguished themselves in ...
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There are numerous legends surrounding the arrival of the Jews in Spain. They were propagated by Jewish and Christian chroniclers, especially in the sixteenth century. Some say they came in the time of King Solomon, following in the wake of the Phoenician sailors; others that the event was one consequence of their exile from Judaea, as ordered by Nebuchadrezzar.
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