Via Giacomo Matteotti, 40129 Bologna
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Via Giacomo Matteotti, 40129 Bologna
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Via de Gombruti 9, 40123 Bologna +39051232066
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Via Mario Finzi 2, 40123 Bologna +39051232066
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Via Goito, 16, 40126 Bologna
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Via Manzoni, 4 – 40121 Bologna Tel +39 0512193916
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Via della Certosa, 16, 40134 Bologna +39 051 615 0811
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Piazzetta Achille Ardigò, 40126 Bologna
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Via Valdonica, 1/5, 40126 Bologna +39 (0)51 291 1280
Plus d'infosRégion
The rich region of Emilia-Romagna is definitely worth a week visit. Located on the south of the floodplain of the Po River, it includes cities like Bologna, home to a museum that is a model of modern installation techniques and location of the ruins of an ancient ghetto in the heart of the city, and above all, Ferrara, once a very important center of Italian Judaism. A leisurely tour of the ...
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