C/Judios esquina Averroes, 14004 Cordoba +34 957 42 14 04 En Construcción – Biblioteca Centro de Documentación. Museo Casa Sefarade
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C/Judios esquina Averroes, 14004 Cordoba +34 957 42 14 04 En Construcción – Biblioteca Centro de Documentación. Museo Casa Sefarade
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Plaza de Jerónimo Páez, 7, 14003 Cordoue +34 957 35 55 17 http://www.museosdeandalucia.es
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Calle de los Judíos, 20, 14004 Córdoba +34 957 01 53 34 Enclave Monumental Sinagoga de Córdoba | Enclaves Culturales de Andalucía
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It is possible to date the presence of Jews in Andalusia to the Council of Elvira (303-09), when references were made to the need to separate Jews and Christians.
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There are numerous legends surrounding the arrival of the Jews in Spain. They were propagated by Jewish and Christian chroniclers, especially in the sixteenth century. Some say they came in the time of King Solomon, following in the wake of the Phoenician sailors; others that the event was one consequence of their exile from Judaea, as ordered by Nebuchadrezzar.
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