Tag | Classic visit for the general public


“Dreams of Glass: the Neiger brothers, from Art Deco to the Holocaust” exhibition

At the Judeo-Alsatian Museum in Bouxwiller Norbert and Moritz Max Neiger contributed to the glory of their Czech town, Gablonz, by developing the diamond industry there, creating fabulous Art Deco jewellery for the costume jewellery market. The German invasion and annexation of the Sudetenland in 1938 led to the disappearance of most of Bohemia’s Jewish communities. The Neiger family ...

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Exhibition “Capturing the Ghetto. Artistic Portrayals of Everyday Life in the Łódź Ghetto”

Until 16 March 2025 at the JHI This exhibition has been organised to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the Lodz ghetto. For four years, 200,000 Jews were imprisoned there, both natives of Lodz and those deported from other towns and regions. Many perished from starvation and disease due to the harsh conditions, while others were deported and murdered in the camps. The ...

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Dreams in Glass exhibition: The Neiger brothers – From Art Deco to the Shoah

At the Musée Judéo-Alsacien Bouxwiller Art Deco and its daring artistic adventures inspired the brothers Norbert and Moritz Max Neiger to create costume jewellery for this brand new market, in response to the post-First World War desire for more sobriety than the expensive jewellery that had previously been paraded. The exhibition tells the story of these designers from the Czech town of ...

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Exhibition “Samuel Bak – Paris and Rome, 1956-1965 / Eglè Ridikaite. Unveilings”

This exhibition presents a little-known period of the painter’s life, in particular his sojourns in the two cities of Rome and Paris that were so inspiring and welcoming to artists. Samuel Bak, who lived in Boston, bequeathed a large number of his works, a third of which were painted in these two cities. 159 of his works were received earlier this year, adding significantly to the ...

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Harif 2024: An Evening to commemorate the exodus of Jews from Arab countries and Iran

20 November 2024, 7pm at JW3 Following Khomeini’s seizure of power in Iran in 1979, the Jewish Iranian population fell drastically from 100,000 to 8,000. This evening, in partnership with the Jewish Music Institute, will honour the words of these refugees, with one of them present to tell his story to the audience. There will also be Danielle and Galeet Dardashti, two sisters who have ...

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Exhibition “André Steiner – the body between desire and overcoming”

Until 22 September 2024 at the mahJ Every four years, the Olympics have inspired many artists to seize the opportunity to capture the ultimate efforts of athletes, crossing bars and ribbons, touching the edges of pools and gymnasiums to surpass themselves in the quest for gold. André Steiner, a Hungarian-born photographer, decathlon champion and swimming coach at the Jewish sports club Hakoah ...

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