Lange Kievitstraat 52, 2018 Antwerp Home page banner | Hoffy’s Restaurant & Take away
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Lange Kievitstraat 52, 2018 Antwerp Home page banner | Hoffy’s Restaurant & Take away
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9 December 2023 at the Medem Centre Words and music accompany the presentation of this travel book about Ashkenazi cuisine, not a parade of recipes but an atmosphere, traditions and experiences. Elise Goldberg, the book’s author, and singer Muriel Missirlou will whet your appetite for gefilte fish and all the other flavours. Starting with the Hanukkah doughnuts that await you at the end ...
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September 3, 2023 at the mahJ Jewish culinary traditions, from the contours of the Mediterranean to the deep villages of Eastern Europe, are the gastronomic palettes around which unforgettable family moments and inspiring artists and authors are created, from the Singer family to Albert Cohen, from Claude Lelouch to Woody Allen. How can we forget Mangeclous’ long description of his ...
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Salomonstraße 8, 04103 Leipzig, Allemagne +49 341 39394949
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2/5 Ierusalimi St, T’bilisi, Géorgie +995 555 54 56 11
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Kystvej 12, 3100 Hornbæk, Danemark +45 49 70 00 88
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Szeroka 17, Kraków +48 12 421 38 70
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Szeroka 18, Kraków +48 12 421 79 20
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Szeroka 6, Kraków +48 12 411 12 45
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Smocza 27, Warszawa +48 22 838 32 17
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Dob u. 22, 1072 Budapest +36 1 266 1733
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Via Trenta Ottobre, 3, 34122 Trieste +39 (0)40 632752
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Via Cesare Battisti, 18, 34125 Trieste +39 (0)40 064 1724
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Plaza Obispo Germán Vega, 6, 34420 Amusco +34 979 80 21 94
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40 Lange Kievitstraat, 2018 Antwerp 0032 (0) 3 233 67 49
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206 Provinciestraat, 2018 Antwerp 0032 (0) 3 233 75 13
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70 Lange Herentalsestraat, 2018 Anvers 0032 (0) 3 226 01 14
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10 Simonsstraat, 2018 Antwerp 0032 (0) 3 232 54 55
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27, rue des Rosiers, 75004 Paris 33 (0)1 42 72 78 91 La boutique jaune
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22, rue des Ecouffes, 75004 Paris 33 (0)1 42 74 83 58
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