R. das Janelas Verdes, 1249-017 Lisboa +351 21 391 2800 http://www.museudearteantiga.pt/
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R. das Janelas Verdes, 1249-017 Lisboa +351 21 391 2800 http://www.museudearteantiga.pt/
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Rua Alexandre Herculano, 59, Lisbon 1250-010 +351 213931130 http://www.cilisboa.org/
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R. Dr. Joaquim Jacinto 73, Tomar Tel : +351 249 329 823
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R. de Guerra Junqueiro 340, 4150-386 Porto +351 911 768 596 Comunidade Israelita do Porto (comunidade-israelita-porto.org)
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Plaza de América, s/n, 41013 Sevilla +34 955 12 06 32 Museo Arqueológico de Sevilla – Web oficial de turismo de Andalucía (andalucia.org)
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Plaza Fray Anselmo Polanco, 3, 44001 Teruel +34 978 60 01 50 http://museo.deteruel.es/museoprovincial/
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Ctra. de Montjuïc, 66, 08038 Barcelona +34 932 56 44 45 https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/castelldemontjuic/en
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Plaça del Rei, s/n, 08002 Barcelona +34 932 56 21 00 https://www.barcelona.cat/museuhistoria/ca
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Carrer de la Força, 27, 17004 Girona +34 972 22 22 29 http://www.girona.cat
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Monasterio de Sant Pere de Galligants, Carrer de Santa Llúcia, 8, 17004 Girona +34 972 20 26 32 https://www.girona.cat/turisme/eng/museus_mac.php
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Carrer de la Força, 8 17004 Girona +34 972 216 761 https://www.girona.cat/turisme/fra/museus_call.php
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Plaça Jacint Verdaguer, 3, 17486 Castelló d’Empúries +34 972 15 80 19 Museum of Medieval History of the Curia- Prison, XIV century – Castelloempuriabrava
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Plaza de Santo Domingo, 8, 24002 León +34 987 23 64 05 Página principal – Portal de Turismo de la Junta de Castilla y León (turismocastillayleon.com)
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C/ Socorro, 11, 40003 Segovia Tel. 921 460 615 Museos provinciales | Museos | Junta de Castilla y León (jcyl.es)
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Calle de los Reyes Católicos, 4, 45002 Toledo +34 925 22 72 57
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Calle de Samuel Levi, s/n, 45002 Toledo +34 925 22 36 65 http://www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/msefardi/museo.html
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Kapellenstrasse 2, 3011 Bern +41 (0) 31 381 49 92 http://www.jgb.ch/
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Hallwylstrasse 78, 8004 Zürich +41 (0) 43 322 03 14 http://www.jlg.ch/
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Kornhausgasse 8, Basel +41 (0) 61 261 95 14 http://www.juedisches-museum.ch/
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Alte Römerstraße 75, 85221 Dachau +49 (0) 8131 669970 https://www.kz-gedenkstaette-dachau.de
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Judengasse, 67346 Speyer
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Hintere Judengasse 6, 67547 Worms +49(0) 6241 853 470 1 https://www.juedischesmuseum-worms.de/juedisches-museum-EN/
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Synagogenplatz, 67547 Worms +49 6131 2108800 Synagoge und Mikwe – Worms erleben (worms-erleben.de)
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Untermainkai 14/15, 60311 Frankfurt am Main +49 (0) 69 21235000 http://juedischesmuseum.de/
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Anne-Frank-Platz, 29303 Lohheide +49 (0) 5051 4759200 http://bergen-belsen.stiftung-ng.de/en/home.html
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99427 Weimar +49 (0) 3643 430200 http://www.buchenwald.de/
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Neuengammer Hausdeich Brücke, 21039 Hamburg
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Strasse der Nationen | D – 16798 Furstenberg/ Havel +49 (0) 33093 6080 http://www.ravensbrueck.de/
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Joachimsthaler Str. 13, 10713 Berlin +49 (0) 30 91557402 BerlinSynagogue.com (berlinsynagoge.com)
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Pestalozzistr. 12-14, 10625 Berlin +49 30 31809650 http://synagoge-pestalozzistrasse.de/
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