Městys Chodová Planá – Chodová Planá (chodovaplana.cz)
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Městys Chodová Planá – Chodová Planá (chodovaplana.cz)
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Městys Chodová Planá – Chodová Planá (chodovaplana.cz)
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Chodova Plana is a town known as an old trade route, for its mines and brewery and the long-standing fights between nobles to rule it. The Jewish presence probably dates from the end of the 16th century. A synagogue was mentioned in 1645, as well as an , where a few hundred graves are located. Threatened with expulsion on several occasions, a Jewish community continued to live there. About ...
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Dlouhá 2407, 438 01 Žatec Tel : +420 732 406 166 Muzeum a kulturní prostor synagoga Žatec (synagoga-zatec.cz)
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259 01 Votice Votice: Titulní stránka (mkcvotice.cz)
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400 01 Ústí nad Labem-město Statutární město Ústí nad Labem – Statutární město Ústí nad Labem (usti.cz)
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Pražská, 293 06 Mladá Boleslav Tel : +420 607 754 038 Sites touristiques : Mladá Boleslav (mb-net.cz)
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Zatec is an ancient royal city, dating back to at least the 11th century. The Jewish presence in Zatec is very old, dating back to at least the 14th century. However, following attacks and expulsion, their official return only took place at the end of the 19th century. Indeed, only two Jewish families lived in Zatec in 1852. A was opened in 1869 and a inaugurated three years later. At its ...
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Votice is a fairly old town in Bohemia. The Jewish presence dates back at least to the 16th century, with a document from 1538 referring to the town’s Jewish cemetery. About ten Jewish families lived in Votice at that time. A synagogue was built in 1661 (and demolished in 1950). About 50 Jewish families lived there at the turn of the 19th century, most of them working as seed merchants, ...
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Usti Nad Labem is a town of Czech nobility and is known for its chemical industry. The Jewish presence in Usti Nad Labem dates back to at least the 16th century, but was very irregular, as it was restricted by the authorities. It was not until 1848 that Jews were able to settle there officially. Thus the Jewish population of Usti Nad Labem increased from about 100 in 1880 to almost 1000 in ...
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Mlada Boleslav is an old Bohemian town that developed in the industrial age thanks to the automobile industry. The Jewish presence dates back to at least the 15th century, according to written documents of the time. About ten Jewish families lived in Mlada Boleslav in 1570 and had a synagogue. The dates from 1584. The Jewish population was 120 in 1615. They were mainly active in the transport ...
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Klatovy II 168, 339 01 Klatovy Cimetière juif :: Synagogue-Klatovy (webnode.cz)
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391 65 Bechyně Jewsh cemetery – The town of Bechyně (mestobechyne.cz)
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Carlsbad, Karlovy Vary in Czech, is a city famous for its spa complex and its festival. The Jewish presence in Carlsbad was “only intermittent” until the middle of the 19th century, being forbidden to stay there and mainly coming to work occasionally from surrounding villages. Others came on holiday. The Jewish communities in Vienna, Prague and Berlin contributed to the creation ...
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Benesov is a town in Bohemia, whose name is derived from its medieval rulers. The Jewish presence dates back to at least the 15th century, making it one of the oldest in the region. Nevertheless, the community consisted of only a handful of members until the middle of the 19th century. In 1893, the Jews of Benesov and the surrounding villages numbered just under 800 people. The number ...
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Bechyne is a fortified town in the Bohemian region near the Luznice River. It dates back to the Middle Ages and was an important regional centre. It is best known today as a thalassotherapy centre. The Jewish presence in Bechyne dates back to at least the 16th century, as evidenced by administrative documents showing a conflict of interest. The Jewish community consisted of 81 people in 1715 ...
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