Cimetière Lademoen Trondheim
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Cimetière Lademoen Trondheim
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Zentralstraße 4, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
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Löhrstrasse 10, 04105 Leipzig +49 (0) 341 9800233
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Berliner Straße 123, 04129 Leipzig Tel : +49 341 9800233
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Delitzscher Str. 224, 04129 Leipzig
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Keilstraße 4, 04105 Leipzig +49 (0) 341 980 0233
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At the end of the nineteenth century, an international conference took place sponsored by the Zionist Organisation that was dedicated to the problem of the future national language of the Jewish state. A heated debate was held and the question put to vote: Hebrew won out only by several votes over German to become the national language. As absurd as it might seem, the language of Goethe ...
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