Belgiëlei 3/5, 2018 Antwerp
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Belgiëlei 3/5, 2018 Antwerp
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Until 21 December 2024 at the National Memorial of Montluc’s jail This exhibition, produced in partnership with the Association des rescapés de Montluc (Association of Montluc survivors), highlights the actions undertaken by the association since its creation in the autumn of 1944. In particular, the census of former internees taken after the Liberation and the way in which they were helped. ...
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23 avenue de la Porte de Vincennes 75020 Paris
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The construction of the Memorial of the Shoah in France began in 1953, by international subscription, on land made available by the City of Paris. The origins of the project can be traced back to Isaac Schneersohn’s initiative in 1943 to bring together 40 people involved in Jewish life in France, which was still occupied, in order to create a clandestine archive. The aim was to set up a ...
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93700 Drancy
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Until 3 March 2024 at the Shoah Memorial Charlie Hebdo cartoonist Riss was sent by the newspaper to cover this historic trial. It was a long wait for a senior Vichy official to be brought to justice, and many survivors were able to testify. The 400 drawings by Riss are on display at the Memorial, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in this moment and to understand, with the stroke of a ...
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Komenského 148, 411 55 Terezín
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Jubiliejaus g., 57142 Kėdainiai
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Ežero g., 76285 Šiauliai
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Bikiernieku iela 70, Vidzemes priekspilseta, Riga LV-1006
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Maskavas iela 471, Latgales priekspilseta, Riga LV-1063
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Rue de Salève, 74100 Annemasse
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Corniche JFK, 13008 Marseille
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Until 6 October 2023 at the Maison d’Izieu Memorial Museum To mark the 80th anniversary of the opening of the “Colonie des enfants réfugiés de l’Hérault”, the Musée-mémorial is devoting an exhibition to life at the Colonie in 1943. 35 original documents provide a better understanding of daily life at the Colonie during the first months in which children hidden during ...
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Until 3 September 2023 This themed trail allows visitors to (re)discover the important places and figures, famous or not, in the history of Lyon’s Resistance. The buildings, steles and street name plaques that house these pages of history and/or pay tribute to them.
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Until 31 August 2023 at the Drancy Shoah Memorial. The Memorial organises guided tours of the site of the former camp, as well as of the permanent exhibition that traces its history. Every Sunday, a return shuttle service is organised from the Shoah Memorial in Paris.
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22 July 2023 at the Musée de la Résistance de Haute-Garonne To mark the 80th anniversary of the execution of Marcel Langer by the Vichy government, the public is invited to discover his story and that of the 35th F.T.P-M.O.I. Brigade. The museum’s collections highlight the involvement of foreign Resistance fighters who served in these brigades. This project is being run by the ...
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Until 31 December 2023 at the Caen Memorial This exhibition looks at the social, political and cultural protest movements in France between 1960 and 1975. These movements were often born in reaction to war and other injustices. Works by artists close to narrative figuration, such as Arroyo, Erró, Fromanger, Grau, Messac and Rancillac, provide a critical reflection on their time, from the ...
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Until 30 August 2023 at the Shoah Memorial To mark the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising in May 1943 and the creation of the CDJC (Centre for Contemporary Jewish Documentation) the previous month, the Shoah Memorial is staging an exhibition in the Alley of the Righteous, retracing the history of these two events, each of which marked 1943 in its own way. The event is coordinated ...
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At the Shoah Memorial This travelling exhibition, consisting of 24 panels, is intended for students from the 3rd to the 12th grade. It looks at the way in which the spirit of the Third Republic and the role of the school in sharing republican and democratic values was shared in the Resistance. These humanist values, rejecting all forms of hatred and discrimination. Philosophically, but also ...
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From 9 December 2022 to 30 August 2023 at the Shoah Memorial Four generations have travelled far and wide since childhood thanks to the magazines Tintin and Spirou and all their characters, starting with those whose names the magazines bear. Often, these comics were not only aimed at a child audience, or tried to raise their awareness. Émile Bravo, in his fourth and last volume of his series ...
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Around 1730, the first Jews settled in the city of Birmingham. The city’s first glass kiln was built by Meyer Oppenheim around 1760. A synagogue was established in the 1780s in the Froggery district. Another synagogue was built in 1809 but was destroyed, along with other places of worship which did not meet the standards of the time, during riots in 1813. It was rebuilt and enlarged in ...
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During the 1808 census, only the presence of 34 Jews was counted in the department. In 1816, Simon and Michel Lipman, merchants, asked for the possibility of obtaining a Jewish cemetery in Brest. Simon’s house was used as an oratory for the community of Brest. 50 years later, there are 59 Jews in Brest. At that time, a letter from the sub-prefecture mentioned the existence of an ...
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, nicknamed the “rue des juifs” near the Qui qu’i ‘en grogne tower, leads to what is now Place Chateaubriand. As early as the 16th century, we find traces of a Jewish presence. Mainly families of craftsmen and traders. The great writer Chateaubriand indicates in Mémoires d’Outre-Tombe that he was born in “this dark and narrow street of Saint-Malo called the rue ...
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Little is known about the history of the Jews in Gallo-Roman Armorica before the Council of Vannes which, around 465, legislated on their relations with clerics. Their ancient and lasting establishment in Brittany is however attested in the 13th century, in Rennes, Fougères and, above all, in Nantes. The anti-Judaism which marks the crusades ends after a period of looting and murder, in their ...
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Land near the ramparts of Nantes was sold by Guillaume to Théodore, a Jew from Rennes, and to the Jews of Nantes to establish a cemetery. Nevertheless, five years later, the Jews of the region are victims of looting and murder. Following the banishment of the Jews from Brittany ordered in Ploermel on April 10, 1240, it was not until the end of the 15th century to see the return of the Jews. ...
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The presence of Jews in Montbéliard and in the region seems to date back to the 13th century. The expulsions will cause the departure of the Jews from the territory. There is a trace of a mention of a court painter, Solomon the Jew, in the 16th century. In the spirit of the French Revolution and the emancipation of Jews from France, mainly from Alsatian families, are settling in the region ...
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It seems that the presence in Seine-et-Marne dates from the Middle Ages. Among the towns where they settled are Meaux, Lagny, Provins, Melun, Livry-sur-Seine, Bray-sur-Seine, Foljuif, Nemours, Château-Landon, Brie-Comte-Robert, Montoix, Pontault-Combault, Nangis, Lizy-sur-Ourcq, Coulommiers, Montereau-fault-Yonne, Donnemarie-en-Montois and Herbeauvilliers. Following the 1394 expulsion and the ...
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