55 Rue des Bons Enfants, 76000 Rouen Tel : 02 35 71 01 44
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55 Rue des Bons Enfants, 76000 Rouen Tel : 02 35 71 01 44
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36, rue aux Juifs, 76000 Rouen Tel : + 33 2 35 52 48 09 La Maison Sublime (visitezlamaisonsublime.fr)
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Jewish life in Normandy was focused around Caen and Rouen. The Jewish community lives in the region since the Roman empire until their expulsion in 1182. During the Middle Ages, Normandy was the region of France with the largest Jewish community. Their installation in London was favored by William the Conqueror. Rouen was an important center for judaism and Caen had a synagogue until 1306.
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While Ireland is not an obvious destination for those interested in Jewish culture, the island does offer a few surprises. Ireland's Jewish population has never been higher than 8000, and that was in the late 1940s. Today, it is down to under 2000, of which 1500 are in the Republic of Ireland. The last kosher butcher closed shop in May 2001.
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The history of Jewish communities in France is characterised by a remarkable diversity, both historically and regionally. It would be futile to look for a coherent identity or shared experiences that would link the communities that were "taxed to the hilt" by the monarchy in the heartlands of the kingdom (Paris, Rouen) to the "rich hours" of the Sephardim in the Comtat Venaissin (Carpentras, ...
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