Am Weidenberg 3 67346 Speyer
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Am Weidenberg 3 67346 Speyer
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Weidenberg 3, 67346 Speyer, Germany +49 6232 9901761
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Maximilianstraße 43, 67346 Speyer, Germany
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Wormser Landstraße, 67346 Speyer, Germany
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St. Klara Klosterweg, Speyer
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Kleine Pfaffengasse 20/22, 67346 Speyer +49 6232 77288 (mikveh) +49 6232 291971 (museum) Museum SchPIRA | Stadt Speyer
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Judengasse, 67346 Speyer
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The history of the Jews in Speyer reaches back over 1,000 years. In the Middle Ages, the city of Speyer (formerly Spira), Germany, was home to one of the most significant Jewish communities in the Holy Roman Empire. Its significance is attested to by the frequency of the Ashkenazi Jewish surname Shapiro/Shapira and its variants Szpira/Spiro/Speyer. The community was totally wiped out in 1940 ...
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The oldest vestiges of a Jewish presence in Germany are found in the Rhineland. For a long time, the river constituted the western border of the Roman Empire. In the fortified cities of the frontier such as Colonia Agrippina (Cologne), the Diaspora Jews found favorable conditions in which to exercice their industrial and commercial talents. Development of Rhenish judaism Later, in the Middle ...
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At the end of the nineteenth century, an international conference took place sponsored by the Zionist Organisation that was dedicated to the problem of the future national language of the Jewish state. A heated debate was held and the question put to vote: Hebrew won out only by several votes over German to become the national language. As absurd as it might seem, the language of Goethe ...
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