Miodowa 24, PL 31055 Cracovie +48 123705770 Community Building | Ukraine Aid | JCC Krakow | Kraków
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Miodowa 24, PL 31055 Cracovie +48 123705770 Community Building | Ukraine Aid | JCC Krakow | Kraków
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Kozia 2, 16-080 Tykocin +48 85 718 16 13
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Kosów Lacki, 08-330 Kosów Lacki +48 25 781 16 58 http://www.treblinka-muzeum.eu/
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Ul. Bracka 40, 90250 Lodz +48 607 459 560
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ul. Rewolucji 1905r. 28, Lodz +48 42 633 51 56
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Ul. Pomorska 18, 91416 Lodz +48 42 632 04 27 Aktualności – Gmina Wyznaniowa Żydowska w Łodzi. (kehilalodz.com)
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Zakalwaria, Góra Kalwaria
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Okopowa 49/51, 01-043 Warszawa +48 22 838 26 22
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6 Mordechaja Anielewicza St., 00-157 Warsaw +48 22 471 03 01 http://www.polin.pl/
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Pl. Grzybowski 12/16, 00–104 Warszawa Tel : +48 22 122 81 42 http://tskz.pl/
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Twarda 6, Warszawa Tel : +48 22 620 43 24 Gmina Wyznaniowa Żydowska w Warszawie – development (jewish.org.pl)
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Tłomackie 3/5, 00-001 Warszawa +48 22 827 92 21 http://www.jhi.pl/en
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Husova 1523/11, 669 01 Mikulov Tel : +420 727 914 223 Synagogue | The Town of Mikulov
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There is proof of a Jewish community in the Middle Ages in Sicily, particularly in the towns of Palermo, Messina, Taormina and Syracuse. This prosperous community was mainly in activities of commerce until their expulsion in 1492 by Ferdinand II. Only in 1989 will be unveiled one of the most beautiful treasure of the Jewish European heritage: Syracuse’s mikvah, this oldest known ritual ...
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Sady Pětatřicátníků 35/11, 301 37 Plzeň Tel : +420 377 223 348 The Jewish Community of Plzen (zoplzen.cz)
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Na Hradbách 125, 280 02 Kolín Tel : + 420 321 712 021 Jeruzalém na Labi (jeruzalemnalabi.cz)
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Izraelská 712/1, 130 00 Praha 3 +420 226 235 248 Cemeteries | synagogue.cz
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Fibichova ulicka, 130 00Praha 3 – Žižkov +420 221 711 511 Cemeteries | synagogue.cz
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Široká, 110 00 Praha +420 222 749 211 Cemeteries | synagogue.cz
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Jeruzalémská 1310/7, 110 00 Praha 1 +420 224 800 849 Jerusalem Synagogue | synagogue.cz
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Vězeňská 1, 110 00 Praha 1 +420 222 749 211 Španělská synagoga | Židovské muzeum v Praze (jewishmuseum.cz)
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Široká 23/3, 110 00 Praha +420 222 749 211 Pinkasova synagoga | Židovské muzeum v Praze (jewishmuseum.cz)
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U starého hřbitova 3a, 110 00 Praha +420 221 711 511 Klausová synagoga | Židovské muzeum v Praze (jewishmuseum.cz)
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Maiselova 10, 110 00 Praha 1 +420 222 749 464 Navštivte nás | Židovské muzeum v Praze (jewishmuseum.cz)
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Červená 98/6, 110 00 Praha +420 224 800 849 http://www.kehilaprag.cz/cs
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Maiselova 250/18, 110 00 Praha 1 +420 224 800 812
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Maiselova 18, 110 01 Praha 1 +420 224 800 812 http://www.synagogue.cz/
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U Staré školy 141/1, 110 00 Praha 1 +420 222 749 211 http://www.jewishmuseum.cz/
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Mlynská 2777/2, 085 01 Bardejov +421 54 472 25 06 – Židovské suburbium Bardejov
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Okružná 32, 080 01 Prešov +421 51 77 31638 www.synagoga-presov.sk
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