September 1, 10am at the Institut Maïmonide

As part of these European days, there will be a visit to the medieval Mikveh in Montpellier (10am), followed by a tour of the medieval Jewish Quarter, including the 12th-13th century synagogal building. Finally, there will be a lecture on the theme of ‘Tibbonides, Kimhi… the contribution of Jewish families of Andalusian origin to the Occitan sciences’.

IUMAT – Institut Universitaire Maïmonide – Averroès – Thomas d’Aquin (

28 July 2024, 1.30 pm to 8 pm

This meeting (in English) of Hebrew liturgical poetry is organised in partnership with the IEMJ. Activities will include a study of piyutim from the Spanish and Portuguese traditions with hazan Daniel Halfon. There will also be a discussion with hazan Jalda Rebling on the sound of piyutim at the time of their creation, and another with Moriah Ferrus on the innovation of piyutim in contemporary times.

Le pouvoir des Piyyutim – Journée d’étude en ligne de l’EAJL 28 juillet 2024 (en anglais) – Institut Européen des Musiques Juives (

29 September 2024 at the Shoah Memorial

This meeting with author Pierre Assouline, actor Vincent Elbaz and cellist Laura Meilland is devoted to Alfred Nakache. This great swimmer, born in Constantine in 1915, rose through the ranks, becoming French and then European champion and beating a world record. He was even selected to represent France at the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. Denounced by a rival to the Gestapo, he was arrested and deported to Auschwitz in 1944 with his wife Paule and their daughter Annie. The only survivor, he tried to rebuild his life and even took part in the London Olympics in 1948, strengthened by his Jewish resilience.

Mémorial de la Shoah | Boutique en ligne (

Until 11 August at the Shoah Memorial in Drancy

Presented as part of the Paris Olympics this summer, this exhibition highlights the issues of prejudice and discrimination, past and present. How gestures of friendship and support between athletes have left their mark on history just as much as current discriminatory policies. In particular, the victories of Jesse Owens, the black American runner, over Hitler’s use of the Olympics were a global symbol of the destruction of racial prejudice.

Mémorial de la Shoah | Boutique en ligne (

19 September 2024, 7.30pm at the House of Yiddish Culture

To celebrate the publication by Bibliothèque Medem of An-ski’s play The Dybbuk, translated by Batia Baum, the Maison de la culture yiddish is organising an evening with three highlights. Firstly, Clarisse Brossard will talk about the author’s ethnographic expeditions to Volhynia and Podolia between 1911 and 1914. Then Arnaud Bikard presents the new translation by Batia Baum. And last but not least, an extract from the play directed and performed in Yiddish by Amélie Moser, Annick Margules and Shahar Fineberg.

Dibouk : soirée exceptionnelle (en présentiel) –

Until 22 September 2024 at the mahJ

Every four years, the Olympics have inspired many artists to seize the opportunity to capture the ultimate efforts of athletes, crossing bars and ribbons, touching the edges of pools and gymnasiums to surpass themselves in the quest for gold. André Steiner, a Hungarian-born photographer, decathlon champion and swimming coach at the Jewish sports club Hakoah Vienna, did the same in 1930s Paris, capturing athletic bodies in motion for magazines and developing a style.

André Steiner. Le corps entre désir et dépassement | Musée d’art et d’histoire du Judaïsme (

From 12 September 2024 to 12 June 2025 at JEM Beaugrenelle

Those singing sessions welcomes all singing enthusiasts to take part in its activities without an admission test. A very varied repertoire is offered throughout the year. The repertoire includes traditional songs, musicals, Israeli songs, songs in Ladino and Yiddish. All in the company of Marlène Samoun, the choirmaster.

Voci Copernic à Beaugrenelle – Judaïsme En Mouvement (

12 September 2024 at 8.30pm at JEM Copernic

This JEM evening of reflection welcomes the lawyer and human rights specialist and LCP journalist Myriam Encaoua as moderator. It is part of a series of conferences bringing together expert speakers on current political issues in Israel. François Zimeray will talk in particular about the legal action taken against Hamas and on behalf of the families of hostages.

Conférence JEM Israël avec François Zimeray – Judaïsme En Mouvement (

Registration for courses and workshops on 5 and 8 September 2024

Teachers and facilitators will be on hand to welcome prospective students and introduce them to the Yiddish, Hebrew, Judeo-Spanish and Judeo-Arabic courses offered at Medem. There are also dance, poetry, genealogy, drama and choir workshops to get every day off to a great start!

Journées portes ouvertes du Centre Medem-les 5 et 8 septembre – Centre Medem (

22 September 2024, 10.30am at the Musée départemental de la Résistance et de la Déportation

This documentary by Lluch de Mons and Ismaël Girard is being screened as part of the Heritage Days. It features footage shot between 22 August and 12 September 1944, looking back at the battles leading up to the liberation of Toulouse, the ceremonies for fallen soldiers and the FFI parade. The film allows viewers to immerse themselves in a fictional reconstruction of a maquis.

Le Musée départemental de la Résistance & de la Déportation | Haute-Garonne

29 August 2024, 8pm at the Musée départemental de la Résistance et de la Déportation

This play by Cyril Gély and directed by Giselle Grange, with Bernard Meyer and Alain Courmont, tells the story of what might have happened at dawn on 25 August 1944 in Paris between German General von Choltitz and Swedish Consul General Raoul Nording. The arrival of Allied troops to liberate Paris sparked debate about the future of the city, threatened with destruction by the occupiers.

Le Musée départemental de la Résistance & de la Déportation | Haute-Garonne

At the Angoulême Comics Museum

90 international artists present 170 original works, some dating back to the 1950s, at the dawn of the mythical publishing house. From generation to generation, the superheroes created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, two children of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, have been shared between comic books and films, tackling social issues and the difficulties of teenage life in the face of a world full of threats and hopes.

SUPER-HEROS ET CIE L’art des comics Marvel | Cité internationale de la bande dessinée et de l’image (

Until 22 September 2024 at the Albert Kahn Gardens

This photographic festival brings together eleven artists around the theme of ‘the visual inventory of the world and its variations in the museum’s collections’. Contemporary and historical works are brought together to magnify reality in all its facets. Representations of fears and the world of possible ways out.

Festival Mondes en commun – Musée Albert Kahn (

31 August 2024, from 2pm to midnight in the 11 museums of the Isère département

During this festive day, the Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l’Isère (Isère Resistance and Deportation Museum) will be offering a range of historical events and creative workshops from 2pm to 5.30pm. From 6pm, there will be an evening of dancing, with a children’s ball, a guinguette and a swing ball. Dress code: blue, white and/or red…

Vivre la Libération – La journée festive ! (

8 September 2024, at 3pm

In clear contrast to the emancipation of the 1920s and the suffragettes, the Vichy regime tried to confine women to the social role of wife and mother. This was not accepted by many, particularly those involved in the Resistance. The exhibition provides an insight into the issues at stake at the time, the reactions of these women to this oppression and their commitment to liberating France.

Les femmes durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale | CHRD | Musée d’histoire | Lyon dans la guerre, 1939-1945

Until 7 September 2024 at the European Centre of Deported Resistance Members

Each of the ten sites of national remembrance will host a work by artist Nicolas Daubanes based on the memory conveyed by the site, in a mission combining transmission and commemoration. Organised in partnership with the three FRACs of the Grand Est region, the exhibition allows visitors to reflect on the history of the former Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp, tackling the themes of suffering, dehumanisation and resilience.

Exposition d’art contemporain Nicolas Daubanes et les 3 FRAC du Grand Est – Mémorial Struthof

The Institut universitaire Rachi in Troyes is hosting a magnificent exhibition throughout July. The fruit of fifty years’ study by the general inventory, the documents are presented in the form of magnificent photographs with particularly well captions. For its installation at the Institut Rachi, the exhibition has focused on the Champagne and Ardennes regions, offering an opportunity to discover the objects and places of Jewish life. A whole region of little-known treasures presented here.

Institut Universitaire Européen Rachi à Troyes – Grand Est (

Presented by Metin Delevi at the Grand Edirne synagogue, this exhibition tells the story of Turkish Jewish cultural heritage during this period. Numerous documents and photos are on display.


Until 29 September 2024 at the Jewish Museum Amsterdam

The museum is transforming one of its rooms to host this astonishing exhibition that plays with the boundary between theatre and real life. Video extracts from the time when the young artist, who was murdered during the Shoah, lived are interspersed with photos of her work, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in pre-war Berlin and understand the influence of those years on Salomon’s work, as well as the beauty of her art.  

Exhibition Charlotte Salomon in Close-up |… | Jewish Cultural Quarter (

At the Vilna Gaon Museum

This exhibition, dedicated to Kazys Morkunas, presents his stained glass windows and allows visitors to appreciate the reflections and highlights of the colours by the sun’s rays and their varying power and position. Two Stars of David, created by the artist at the beginning of the 21st century, are among the museum’s major pieces. As early as 1953, Morkunas was one of the first Lithuanian artists to experiment with the technique of fusing layers of stained glass. In 1981, he created a 180 m2 work decorating a room in the national parliament.

Exhibit of the month – Vilna Gaon Museum of Jewish History (

Until 27 October 2024 at the Jewish Museum in Venice

The Jewish Ghetto of Venice is hosting an exhibition on the themes of migration and encounters with others. This theme inspired ten international artists to exhibit their work in three different locations in Italy’s oldest ghetto. The artists on show are Jonathan Prince, Amit Berman, Elisheva Reva, Flora Temnouche, Danny Avidan, Lucas and Tyra Morten, Lihi Turjeman, Debra Werblud, Laure Prouvost and Yael Toren.

I confini dell’alterità – The contours of otherness – Ghetto Venezia

Until 6 October 2024 at MEIS

The MEIS, which offers a fascinating presentation of Italy’s ancient Jewish history, is inaugurating a space dedicated to contemporary history, with the challenge of sharing the diversity of Jewish life in the 20th century. The exhibition looks at political issues such as access to citizenship in modern Italy, the racial laws of 1938 and the Shoah. But also the people who contributed to the history and culture of the country. All this, thanks to a wealth of archive documents and multimedia sharing.

Jews in Twentieth-Century Italy – MEIS

The aim of this exhibition is to raise awareness of this history, particularly in Italy, a country with close ties to Rhodes at the time. It is being held to mark the 80th anniversary of the deportation of the Jews of Rhodes. The project comprises two complementary elements: a participatory installation and a web portal. The first will be exhibited at the Shoah Memorial in Milan from 10 May to 2 September 2024. Among the activities organised to mark the occasion, on 27 May the Nefesh trio will take the public on a musical journey through the traditions of Rhodes.

Juifs de Rhodes. Éclipse d’une communauté 1944 – 2024 : recherche sur la déportation de la communauté juive de Rhodes – CDEC – Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea

This exhibition, co-organised with the Hellenic Parliament Foundation for Parliamentarianism and Democracy, the Jewish community of Thessaloniki and the G. Konstantinidis archives, celebrates the coexistence of the two communities, Jewish and Christian. It also recalls the dark hours of the Shoah, when the Jewish community lost the vast majority of its members. Greece’s political leaders have associated themselves with this memorial initiative and the importance of highlighting Thessaloniki’s Jewish cultural heritage.

«Στην ίδια πόλη: Χριστιανοί και Εβραίοι στη Θεσσαλονίκη» (

The Ministry of Culture has made a long-term loan to the museum to enable it to display sculptures and stelae of great importance, marking the antiquity of the Jewish presence in Greece, dating back at least 2,300 years, as evidenced by a sculpture of a menorah with a lulav. The exhibition is accompanied by photos and documents recounting the many aspects of Jewish life in ancient times.

Current Exhibition – Jewishmuseum

Until December 2024

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the museum, which was born out of a desire to highlight Spain’s Jewish cultural heritage. By bearing witness to the ancient Jewish presence and the beautiful coexistence with other cultures. As well as its influence on the Sephardic diaspora. Documents, photos and archives tell this story, as well as that of the building that houses it today in Toledo.

Exposición “Revelando el olvido. 60 años de memoria en el Museo Sefardí” – Museo Sefardí – Sinagoga del Tránsito | Ministerio de Cultura

Until 6 January 2025 at the Manchester Jewish Museum

To celebrate 150 years, many photos and objects are on display. These include 14 objects from the museum’s collection. The Manchester Jewish Museum, which opened in 1984, is housed in the city’s former Spanish and Portuguese synagogue. The synagogue was opened in 1874 as a result of the growing Sephardic Jewish population in Manchester. It has since been restored and forms an integral part of the permanent exhibition.

From 18 to 23 August 2024

This year, experienced artists will be joining forces with teachers to share their enthusiasm for klezmer in a variety of ways. Everyone learning, playing and sharing at their own pace and level. In small ensembles of artists specially created for the occasion. Although a certain level of instrumental playing is required. It’s time to klezmerise your summer…

Klezfest 2024 – Learn, Play and Perform Klezmer – Jewish Music Institute (

From 1 June to 16 September 2024 at Musée national Marc Chagall

From his native shtetl to the great cities of today’s world, Marc Chagall has lived through the ages. He lived through great encounters in artistic hives where Bohemian influences buzzed, then by sharing his work on the stained-glass windows of a hospital in Jerusalem and a cathedral in Metz. Or, looking up at the world from the ceiling of the Opéra de Paris, a man who was already old but as curious as ever. But he also confronted the violence of man and the limits crossed by executioners from generation to generation. These traces are also present in his work and are presented in this exhibition.

Chagall politique, Le Cri de liberté | Musée National Marc Chagall (

Until 1 December 2024 at the MAHJ

The museum is hosting an installation by Raphaël Denis on the spoliation of works of art during the Occupation. The artist brings together, in chronological order according to when they were photographed, all the photographed works belonging to the great gallery owner Paul Rosenberg. These volumes were presented in 2019 at the Centre Pompidou, during the exhibition ‘Paul Rosenberg, art dealer looted under the Occupation’.

Raphaël Denis. Fonds Rosenberg, les années parisiennes | Musée d’art et d’histoire du Judaïsme (