France / Bourgogne-Franche-Comté


The presence of Jews in Montbéliard and in the region seems to date back to the 13th century. The expulsions will cause the departure of the Jews from the territory. There is a trace of a mention of a court painter, Solomon the Jew, in the 16th century.

Outside view of the Montbéliard synagogue with its many windows
Synagogue of Montbéliard. Photo by Sacamol – Wikipedia

In the spirit of the French Revolution and the emancipation of Jews from France, mainly from Alsatian families, are settling in the region again.

Thus, in 1793, Montbéliard again welcomed Jews. They will be 89 listed in 1826, then 221 in 1876.

During the 19th century, Jews gathered in private accommodation or rented rooms to celebrate their worship.

The Montbéliard  synagogue  was inaugurated on November 29, 1888.

Few Jews remain in Montbéliard today, but some residents are making great efforts to ensure that services are still celebrated there.

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