Ukraine / From Kiev to the Black Sea


Pereyaslav. Photo by Skoropadsky – Wikipedia

The city of Pereyaslav, to which the name Khmelnitsky was added in honor of that Cossack leader, was also the birthplace of Sholem Aleichem.

Paul Michael Glaser starring in the famous movie
A Fiddler on the roof, movie by Norman Jewison based on Sholem Aleichem’s text

To lovers of musical comedy, the city is better known as Anatevka, the name it bears in Fiddler on the Roof. Aleichem found inspiration for his novels’ many characters here: the one who seeks their fortune, the boy who joins the revolution and is sent to Siberia, the girl who betrays her faith by marrying a Ukrainian, the mother who remains in the shtetl with her children while the father plays the market in Odessa and Yehupets, etc. Today, Pereyaslav has retained a cartain charm, even if the city has lost its Jewish community. The former Jewish quarter was located right downtown.

Sholem Aleichem

His real name, Sholem Rabinovitz, founder of classic Yiddish literature, Sholem Aleichem was born in Pereyaslav in 1853 and died in New York in 1916. The world of the shtetl and the everyday people who lived there are immortalized in his writings. His most famous work, Tevie the Milkman, was magnificently set to music as Fiddler on the Roof, or Anatevka, by Jerry Bock and featured the song “If I was a Rich Man”. His other well-known works include the 1892 Menahem Mendel.

Photo of the founder of classic Yiddish literature,
Sholem Aleichem

The Grand Synagogue of Pereyaslav , which dates to the nineteenth century, is located across the main square behind city hall in a large, rectangular building named the House of Culture today. No plaque indicates the building’s previous purpose. On Saturday and Sunday afternoons, locals pack the stifling main room to sing Ukrainian folk songs. To the side, a section of the building had been converted into a café-disco.

To find Sholem Aleichem’s birth house , take Lenin Street to the intersection and turn right; a commemorative plaque to the left marks the site.

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