23 avenue de la Porte de Vincennes 75020 Paris
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23 avenue de la Porte de Vincennes 75020 Paris
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7 rue des Rosiers, 75004 Paris
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23 January 2024 at the Museo Ebraico di Trieste The museum is organising the presentation of historian Giorgio Fabre’s book devoted to this sad era. The book was published by Il Mulino. The evening will provide an opportunity to discuss contemporary research into the anti-Semitism of that period, when Italy was ruled by Mussolini’s Fascist regime. The evening is organised by ...
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Łąkowa 6 50-042 Wrocław, Pologne
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Aleja Pamieci Ofiar Litzmannstadt Getto 12, 91 859 Lodz +48 42 291 36 27
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Zentralstraße 4, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
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Via Giacomo Matteotti, 40129 Bologna
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Agrastų gatvė 15, Vilnius, Lituanie (+370) 66 28 95 75 http://www.jmuseum.lt
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2 bis, avenue des Martyrs de la Liberté 60200 Compiègne 03 44 96 37 00 http://www.memorial-compiegne.fr/
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Polná is located in Bohemia, about 70 miles south-west of Prague. Jews started settling in Polná in the fifteenth century. The ghetto was created in the seventeenth century, some houses can still be seen. The synagogue was built in 1682. Destroyed by a fire, it was restored in the nineteenth century. It served as a place for worship until 1936, then was used as a store for confiscated Jewish ...
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Str. Ion Brezoianu/Str. Ilfov
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Stacja Kolejowa Sobibór 1, Włodawa +48 82 571 98 67
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Ul. Droga Męczenników Majdanka 67, 20-325 Lublin +48 81 710 28 33
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Kosów Lacki, 08-330 Kosów Lacki +48 25 781 16 58 http://www.treblinka-muzeum.eu/
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Erinnerungsstraße 1, 4310 Mauthausen +43 7238 22690 http://www.mauthausen-memorial.org/
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Alte Römerstraße 75, 85221 Dachau +49 (0) 8131 669970 https://www.kz-gedenkstaette-dachau.de
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Anne-Frank-Platz, 29303 Lohheide +49 (0) 5051 4759200 http://bergen-belsen.stiftung-ng.de/en/home.html
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99427 Weimar +49 (0) 3643 430200 http://www.buchenwald.de/
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Neuengammer Hausdeich Brücke, 21039 Hamburg
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Strasse der Nationen | D – 16798 Furstenberg/ Havel +49 (0) 33093 6080 http://www.ravensbrueck.de/
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Str. der Nationen 22, 16515 Oranienburg +49 (0) 3301 2000 http://www.stiftung-bg.de/gums/en/
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Oosthalen 8, 9414 TG Hooghalen +31 (0) 593 592 600 http://www.kampwesterbork.nl/
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40, Chemin de la Badesse, 13290 Aix-en-Provence (Les Milles) +33 (0) 4 42 39 17 11 http://www.campdesmilles.org/
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Danish Jews evacuated during the Nazi occupation arrived by boat in Malmö thanks to Count Folke Bernadotte. Some Jews died after their arrival and are buried in the city cemetery, where a monument honors their memory. A Jewish community (originally made up of German Jews) was established in this city on the Baltic coast facing Copenhagen in 1871, shortly after the emancipation. It now ...
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Esplanade Charles de Gaulle, 93700 Drancy
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