Kuzguncuk, İcadiye Cad., Üsküdar/Istanbul
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Kuzguncuk, İcadiye Cad., Üsküdar/Istanbul
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Calle Balmes, 3, 28010 Madrid +34 915 91 31 31 cjmadrid.org
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Place de la Synagogue 11, 1204 Geneva tel +41 22 317 89 00
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Today two large bridges cross the Bosporus, completely integrating the Anatolian part of the city with Istanbul proper. Formerly crossing was by ferry only. Consequently, the Asian districts of Istanbul and its neighboring villages lived according to another rhythms, somewhat at the margins of the pulsing heart of the city. In Kuzgunçuk, a little to the north of Üsküdar, is a significant ...
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It seems that the Jewish presence in Geneva dates from the 13th century, mainly around the in the old town. The Jews were expelled from the city in 1490 and forbidden to stay there until the 19th century. The Grand-Mézel was the oldest closed Jewish quarter in Europe, established in 1428 (88 years before the Venice ghetto). The old town is situated on a small hill, with the shopping streets ...
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