6 et 4 Skolna St, Rovno
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6 et 4 Skolna St, Rovno
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In this region of Ukraine, the happy and unhappy history of Ukrainian Jews can be seen in these different towns. When you greet the violinists on the rooftops of Lvov, you will think of Scholem Aleikhem. Czernowitz, meanwhile, was home to many synagogues and was also the birthplace of Paul Celan. Synagogues are often reduced to walls or commemorative plaques. Like the remains of the sublime ...
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Ukraine, the largest of the former Soviet Republics, is, along with Belarus and Lithuania, heir to the former "Pale of Settlement", the buffer zone designed t contain the Jews within the westernmost margins of the Russian Empire. Despite considerable losses due to the Shoah and resulting emigration, Ukraine still contains a large Jewish community (around 500000 members, or 1% of the ...
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