Calle Roque Rojas, 2, 23400 Úbeda, Spain +44 953758150
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Calle Roque Rojas, 2, 23400 Úbeda, Spain +44 953758150
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Calle San Andrés, 23004 Jaén +34 953 23 74 22
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Plaza de Santa María, s/n, 23002 Jaén +34 953 23 42 33 Catedral de Jaén – Santa Iglesia Catedral de la Asunción de la Virgen (
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The presence of a Jewish community in Jaen is first recorded in 612, when a king’s edict forbade Jews to own Christian slaves. If the Jewish population reached its peak during the seventh century, there were most probably Jews already during the Roman period. The geographer Abd al Nur Al-Himyari mentions during the ninth century a mikveh in Jaen, known as Isaac bath. The walls of the ...
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Agrastų gatvė 15, Vilnius, Lituanie (+370) 66 28 95 75
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Pamėnkalnio gatvė 12, Vilnius (+370) 52 62 07 30
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Jono Basanavičiaus gatvė, Vilnius, Lituanie
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Mėsinių gatvė 3a/5, Vilnius, Lituanie tel +370 609 15 132
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Šv. Kazimiero g. 12, Vilnius, 01126 Lithuania + 370 615 83814
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Rūdninkų gatvė 18, Vilnius, Lituanie
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The city of Antakya is located 20 miles from the border with Syria and nestled in the mountainous region of Turkey’s southern Hatay province. This regions, a wedged between Syria and the Mediterranean, is hailed across Turkey for its multiculturalism and tolerance. The province was part of Syria until Turkey officially annexed it through a referendum in 1939, and its population remains ...
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Proviantpassagen 6 DK-1218 Copenhagen +45 33 11 22 18
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It is unknown how far in the past a Jewish community existed in Izmir. When we speak of the Jews of Izmir, usually the Sephardic Jews who immigrated from Spain and Portugal between 1492 and 1497 come to mind. However, it has been proven that there was a Jewish settlement in Izmir as soon as the antique age. There is an evidence that a Jewish community existed in Izmir during the ...
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Beaumont St, Oxford OX1 2PH, Great Britain +44 1865 278000
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2 bis, avenue des Martyrs de la Liberté 60200 Compiègne 03 44 96 37 00
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The Jewish presence in Ingwiller seems to date from 1347, the date of an administrative document attesting to this. Under the regency of the Counts of Hanau-Lichtenberg, they enjoyed greater individual and economic freedom than many other towns in the region. The Jewish community grew throughout the 18th century, from 13 families in 1716 to 25 in 1766. The development of spiritual life ...
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5 cour du Château, Ingwiller Ingwiller (
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The Jewish presence in Hochfelden seems to date from the 16th century. Built in 1841 and a historical monument since 1996, the of Hochfelden is a classic example of Alsatian synagogue architecture. It was preceded and even accompanied by another synagogue, built in the 17th century. Next to the synagogue was a mikveh, the former rabbi’s house and a Jewish school. The synagogue was ...
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12 place du général Koenig, Hochfelden Hochfelden (
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Haguenau is one of the oldest Jewish communities in Alsace. The Jews lived there almost without interruption since the Middle Ages, probably in the 12th century, and enjoyed the same freedoms as the other inhabitants, except for a few episodes, mainly of a more national scope, affecting all regions. The Jewish population increased from 34 families in 1735 to 64 in 1780. The first synagogue ...
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3, rue du Grand Rabbin Bloch, Haguenau Tel + 33 3 88 06 59 99 Synagogue | Office de Tourisme du Pays de Haguenau (
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Rue du Cimetière, Ettendorf Tel +33 3 88 14 46 50
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The Jewish presence in the villages surrounding Haguenau seems to date at least from the 14th century. In Ettendorf in particular, two Jewish families are recorded in administrative documents in 1449. In the Middle Ages, Ettendorf was home to a large Jewish community and many scholars who came to study in its famous rabbinical school, sometimes with more than a hundred students. Ettendorf is ...
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The Jews of Erstein were not allowed to settle in the city until 1850. Some were allowed to work there during the day, but had to return in the evening to the towns in the region that were more open to Jewish emancipation. The was inaugurated in 1882. It was destroyed in April 1941 by the Nazis, its contents auctioned off at that time. Of the 100 Jews living in Erstein in 1939, only 60 were ...
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