8 rue George Bernard Shaw, 75015 Paris Tel : +33 (0) 1 45 67 97 96 Accueil
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8 rue George Bernard Shaw, 75015 Paris Tel : +33 (0) 1 45 67 97 96 Accueil
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24 rue Copernic, 75016 Paris Tél : 01 47 04 37 27 La synagogue de Copernic – Judaïsme En Mouvement (judaismeenmouvement.org)
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Str. Sagges, 13, 70122 Bari BA, Italie +39 080 577 2362 museocivicobari.it
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ul. Wojska Polskiego 83 Łódź +48 42 636 38 21 https://www.centrumdialogu.com/en/
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Ul Zgierska 147, 91 490 Lodz +48 42 655 36 66
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Plaza de Jerónimo Páez, 7, 14003 Cordoue +34 957 35 55 17 http://www.museosdeandalucia.es
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Pushkina St, 17, Bilhorod-Dnistrovs’kyi, Odes’ka oblast, Ukraine, 67701 +380 4849 27743
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Following the angry reception that greeted him when he preached to the Jews of Thessaloniki, around the year 50, the Apostle Paul was spirited out of town by fellow believers in Jesus’ reincarnation. They brought him to Berea, some 60 km to the west. There too, Paul spoke in a synagogue, but in Berea the Jews “were more noble than those in Thessaloniki, for they received the word ...
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Beaumont St, Oxford OX1 2PH, Great Britain +44 1865 278000 http://www.ashmolean.org/
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Teatralna square, 5, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58000 +38 0372 550666 http://muzejew.org.ua/
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57 Decembrist Street, 191121 Saint Petersburg +7 812 713-8631
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vulica Pakroŭskaja 11, Viciebsk, Biélorussie +375 212 36-34-68
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Zmaja od Bosne 3, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnie-Herzégovine +387 33 668-027 http://www.zemaljskimuzej.ba/en
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4, Тврђава, Petrovaradin 21131, Serbia +381 21 6433145 http://www.museumns.rs/en
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Xanthoudidou Street 1, Iraklio 712 02, Grèce +30 281 027 9000
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Delos 846 00, Greece
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182 Vassillisis Olgas, Thessaloníki
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Str. Synagogilor 7, 6600 lasi
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plac Bohaterów Getta 18, 30-001 Kraków +48 12 656 56 25
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Grajska ulica 2, 2000 Maribor +386 2 228 35 51 http://www.museum-mb.si/
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Schwarzenbergpl. 6, 1030 Wien +43 1 7121888 http://www.schoenberg.at/
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Berggasse 19, 1090 Wien +43 1 3191596 http://www.freud-museum.at/
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Via Giovanni Palatucci, 5, 34148 Trieste +39 040 826202 http://www.risierasansabba.it/
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Sestiere Cannaregio, 2902/b, 30121 Venezia Tel +39 (0) 41 5246083 The Venetian Ghetto
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Via Lanfranco, 6, 26029 Soncino +39 (0)374 83171 http://www.museostampasoncino.it/
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Piazza del Campo, 1, 53100 Siena +39 (0)577 292226
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R. das Janelas Verdes, 1249-017 Lisboa +351 21 391 2800 http://www.museudearteantiga.pt/
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Carrer de la Força, 27, 17004 Girona +34 972 22 22 29 http://www.girona.cat
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Rosenthaler Str. 39, 10178 Berlin +49 (0) 30 288865600 http://www.annefrank.de/
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Niederkirchnerstraße 8, 10963 Berlin +49 (0) 30 2545090 http://www.topographie.de/en/
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