Hintere Judengasse 6, 67547 Worms +49(0) 6241 853 470 1 https://www.juedischesmuseum-worms.de/juedisches-museum-EN/
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Hintere Judengasse 6, 67547 Worms +49(0) 6241 853 470 1 https://www.juedischesmuseum-worms.de/juedisches-museum-EN/
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Synagogenplatz, 67547 Worms +49 6131 2108800 Synagoge und Mikwe – Worms erleben (worms-erleben.de)
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Willy-Brandt-Ring, 67547 Worms +062418537306
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At the height of the Middle Ages, the Jewish community in Mainz rivaled the communities of Worms and Speyer. Few traces of this community remain. Among several stone tombs preserved in the Jewish cemetery is that of Rabbi Gershom ben Yehuda (c. 960-1028), called Meor ha-Golah (Light of the Exile). A has replaced the old one. It was built in 2010 and is part of the Jewish Community center ...
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The oldest vestiges of a Jewish presence in Germany are found in the Rhineland. For a long time, the river constituted the western border of the Roman Empire. In the fortified cities of the frontier such as Colonia Agrippina (Cologne), the Diaspora Jews found favorable conditions in which to exercice their industrial and commercial talents. Development of Rhenish judaism Later, in the Middle ...
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At the end of the nineteenth century, an international conference took place sponsored by the Zionist Organisation that was dedicated to the problem of the future national language of the Jewish state. A heated debate was held and the question put to vote: Hebrew won out only by several votes over German to become the national language. As absurd as it might seem, the language of Goethe ...
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