The only glatt kosher hotel in Scandinavia, the Strand Hotel is located in the well-known spa town of Hornbaek. It operates between Passover and Rosh Hashanah and has a synagogue on the premises.
The only glatt kosher hotel in Scandinavia, the Strand Hotel is located in the well-known spa town of Hornbaek. It operates between Passover and Rosh Hashanah and has a synagogue on the premises.
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At the Danish Jewish Museum The museum presents this very special exhibition devoted to the difficult theme of persecution and flight in contemporary European history. It’s about the ...
25 March 2024 |
September 27, 2023 at Blixen, Den Sorte Diamant, Søren Kirkegaard plads 1, KBH This lecture by Simon Kratholm Andkjærgaard is produced in partnership with the Danish Jewish Museum and the Society ...
28 April 2023 |
At the Danish Jewish Museum October 1943, the courage of a people, the courage of a king. A whole population, disregarding social, economic and cultural affiliations to come to the aid of their ...
29 November 2022 |
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