Spain / Castile and León

Puente Castro (León)

A small Jewish community lived in Puente Castro until the twelfth century. It disappeared during the wars between Castile and León.

Antique bridge of Puente Castro
Puente Castro. Photo by José Antonio Gil Martinez – Wikipedia

The cemetery has yielded more than a dozen magnificent tombstones. Three of them have been on permanent loan at Toledo’s Sephardic Museum since 1969, and a fourth can be seen at the diocesan museum in León. A fifth one, at the Archaeological Museum of León (Museo Arceologico de León), was discovered in fragments in 1983 and probably dates from 1100. Its elegantly written inscription reads: “Cientos the Saint may be blessed and absolved; take him in Your mercy and resurrect him to the life of the future world, amen.”

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