Spain / Castile and León


Segovia was home to one of the biggest communities in the Kingdom of Castile. It produced important figures like Abraham Senior and his son-in-law Meyer Melamed, who served the Catholic monarchs up to 1492. Segovia also saw a violent anti-Jewish movement under the influence of the Santa Cruz convent and subsequently as a result of the “Holy Innocent Child” affair at La Guardia.

Inside view of the synagogue of Segovia
Synagogue, Segovia

It is easy to find the old Jewish quarter, even if many of the buildings are more recent in origin. In particular, explore the streets of the Judería Vieja y Nueva. The synagogue has been transformed into the church of the Corpus Christi convent. It was, in all probability, built in 1410. In the nineteenth century, fire followed by negligent restoration destroyed the specifically Jewish part of the structure, apart from the original plan and a few pieces of stucco now in the local museum (Museo Provincial). In the Calle de la Vieja Judería, the Franciscan convent was built on a set of sixteenth and seventeenth century Jewish houses, including the home of Abraham Senior.

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