R. Dr. David Bruno 4, 6420-030 Trancoso Tel : +351 271 811 147
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R. Dr. David Bruno 4, 6420-030 Trancoso Tel : +351 271 811 147
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R. da Portela 4, 6250-088 Belmonte +351 275 088 698 E-mail: empds.belmonte@cm-belmonte.com
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Rua da Fonte da Rosa 41 6250-041 Belmonte, Portugal
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R. do Brum 16, 9500-085 Ponta Delgada, Portugal
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R. das Janelas Verdes, 1249-017 Lisboa +351 21 391 2800 http://www.museudearteantiga.pt/
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Rua Alexandre Herculano, 59, Lisbon 1250-010 +351 213931130 http://www.cilisboa.org/
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Largo do Dr. José Frederico Laranjo, 7320-113 Castelo de Vide Tel : +351 245 908 220
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R. de Guerra Junqueiro 340, 4150-386 Porto +351 911 768 596 Comunidade Israelita do Porto (comunidade-israelita-porto.org)
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The Golden Horn is a small estuary created by two rivers that flow into the Bosporus. From one side of the Golden Horn to the other extend traditional Jewish neighborhoods that arose beginning at the time of Jewish settlement in Istanbul in the Byzantine period. Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, more than half the population of the Balat was Jewish, although many were already ...
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The community of Trujillo is first mentioned in 1290. Just before the expulsion, it had 150 members. All of them went to Portugal. Not long ago, construction in the back of a pharmacy brought to light the site of an old synagogue. An inscription from Psalms (118-20) reads: “This door is the door of the Lord: the Just will enter through here”. The adjoining house has two vaulted ...
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