7 Rue du Souvenir Français, 57100 Thionville
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7 Rue du Souvenir Français, 57100 Thionville
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1 place du Rabbin Henri Levy, 57100 Thionville https://www.lacom57.com/
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Impasse du Cimetière israélite, Morhange
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Rue de l’Eglise, Morhange
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Place de l’Abbé Grégoire, 54370 Emberménil Tel : +33 3 83 71 20 01 https://musee-abbe-gregoire.fr/
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18 Rue Alfred Lévy, 54300 Lunéville
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5 rue Castara, 54300 Lunéville Tel : 03 83 74 17 52
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Jews from Germany settled in Boulay at the beginning of the 17th century. It is in this city that Raphaël Lévy lived, falsely accused and executed in 1670 for “ritual crime”. Duke Leopold confirmed the authorization of the settlement of 19 Jewish Boulageois families, which had a synagogue, built in 1670, a Jewish school and a . But their discretion is imposed and taxes put in ...
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317 rue Duguesclin, 69007 Lyon Tel : + 33 4 12 04 05 18 Site web : www.icj-lyon.org
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Avenue du Commandant Raynal, Verdun
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Impasse des Jacobins, Verdun
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Avenue de Blida, 57000 Metz
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39 rue du Rabbin Elie Bloch, 57000 Metz Tel : 03 87 75 04 44 https://cimetz.org/wp/
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The presence of Jews in Verdun was fleeting in the Middle Ages, often banned from settling there. Despite this, some Tossafist scholars of Verdun are references like Samuel Ben Hayim and Samuel Ben Yosef. Even in the 18th century attempts to settle Jews in the city for a long time met with little success and led to expulsions. The Jewish community was perpetuated at the time of the French ...
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Metz is surprising for many reasons. Firstly, the richness of its medieval architecture and that of subsequent centuries, influenced by numerous conquests and reconquests. With its palaces, symbols of authority, protective fortifications and bridges to other shores and cultures that blend harmoniously. Metz is anything but a city with a museum-like central district. It’s a city whose ...
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9 Jadranska ulica, Ptuj
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Glavna ulica, 9220 Lendava
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Like Kidricevo, this small Slovenian village has an Austrian cemetery with graves of soldiers who died in the First World War. Formerly a very large , abandoned, only part of its massive art deco entrance and a few graves remain visible. Among them, those of two Jewish soldiers.
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14 Place des Vosges, 75004 Paris Tel : + 33 1 48 87 79 45 https://www.synadesvosges.com/
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Vipavska cesta, 5000 Rožna Dolina
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Museumgasse 1-5, A-7000 Eisenstadt +43 2682719 4000 https://landesmuseum-burgenland.at/
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1000 Ljubljana
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4 Zidovska steza, Ljubljana
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Križevniška 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana +386 (0)1 425 60 60 https://www.jkc.si/
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Le Panoramique, Avenue de la République, 13150 Tarascon +33 (0) 4 90 91 03 52 http://www.tarascon.fr/
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3 Bis Rue Jérusalem, 13100 Aix-en-Provence Tel : + 33 (0)4 42 26 69 39 CIAP – Synagogue Aix en Provence
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7 rue de la Cloche d’Or, 66000 Perpignan
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67 Rue Droite, 11100 Narbonne +33 4 68 65 06 11 acin11.fr – Synagogue consistoriale de Narbonne
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Nea Ionia 384 46, Volos
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Mouson 11, Volos 383 33 https://www.jcvolos.gr/indexeg.php
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