Łąkowa 6 50-042 Wrocław, Pologne
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Łąkowa 6 50-042 Wrocław, Pologne
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At the fall of Carcassonne in 1209, the Jews of Béziers took refuge in Catalonia and rebuilt a community in the small town of Olot. It is known that the Jewish communities of Languedoc and Catalonia maintained commercial, cultural and religious relations. In the thirteenth century, Catalonia therefore absorbed a large number of Jews fleeing the war raging in Languedoc. Olot was destroyed in ...
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Plaça Rector Ferrer, S/N, 17800 Olot, Girona, Espagne +34 972 26 04 74 bisbatgirona.cat
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A Jewish community existed in Thann as early as the 13th century. In 1350, sources report a Jewish street in the northeastern part of the city. This community remained important: there were indeed 630 Jews in Thann in 1885. Before the Second World War, the community amounted to 160 souls. was first built in 1817 in the Neo-Byzantine style. In 1859, the number of faithful exceeds the capacity ...
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5 Étang St., Thann THANN (judaisme-alsalor.fr)
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Maliebaanstation 16, 3581 XW Utrecht Tel + 31 30 230 62 06 https://www.spoorwegmuseum.nl/
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Located 90 km south of Turin and 45 km from the French border, the city of Cuneo was once home to one of the most important Jewish communities in Piedmont. Today, made up of about fifteen people, the community stands out for its attachment to its synagogue. Located in the heart of what was once the ghetto of the city, the synagogue was built in the seventeenth century and largely modified in ...
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It is known that there was a Jewish community in Inca at least since Jaume I conquered Mallorca in 1229. That said, their presence had been mentioned before by Severus, bishop of the island in the fifth century. The Jewish quarter of the city (call) dates from 1346 and was established by a decision of Peter IV of Aragon, on a request from the governor of Mallorca, after the repeated ...
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Can Valella nº 22, Inca, Mallorca 07300 +44 871 91 24 96 info@canmonroig.com http://www.canmonroig.com/
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Str. Crinului 2, Oradea
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Str. Tudor Vladimirescu 18, Oradea
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Str. Mihai Viteazu 4, Oradea
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Piaţa Unirii Oradea
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Strada Primăriei nr. 25, Oradea 410209 Tel : +40 771 553 065 Sinagoga Aachvas Rein – Sinagoga Istoriei Evreilor din Oradea – Oradea Heritage
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Jews settled in Arad in the early eighteenth century, reaching the number of 10,000 before the Second World War. In the nineteenth century, this city was one of the hearts of Reform Judaism, under the direction of Rabbi Aaron Chorin. The community survived the Holocaust and most of the family emigrated to Israel after the war. There are less than 300 Jews in Arad today. Community life is ...
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Strada Cozia 12, Arad
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Strada Tribunul Dobra 10, Arad Tel : +40 745 104048 http://aradjc.org/
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The town of Trancoso is an ancient city at the crossroads of many wars, and as such was transformed into a fortress. The Jewish presence probably dates back to the 12th century. Its population soon increased as a result of the Spanish Inquisition, mainly due to the arrival of Jews from Aragon and Castile. As a result, the community asked King John II for the right to expand the synagogue. The ...
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R. Dr. David Bruno 4, 6420-030 Trancoso Tel : +351 271 811 147
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Largo Luís Albuquerque, 6420-091 Trancoso
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Ul. Jana Jeziorańskiego 4, 01 783 Warsaw +48 261 878 342 Muzeum Katyńskie – Strona główna (muzeumkatynskie.pl)
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Ul. Grzybowska 79, 00-844 Warsaw + 48 22 539 79 05 www.1944.pl
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Drewnowska 58, 91-002 Łódź +48 42 664 92 89 https://en.manufaktura.com/
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ul. Wojska Polskiego 83 Łódź +48 42 636 38 21 https://www.centrumdialogu.com/en/
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Aleja Pamieci Ofiar Litzmannstadt Getto 12, 91 859 Lodz +48 42 291 36 27
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