Rue des Grognards, 57220 Boulay-Moselle
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Rue des Grognards, 57220 Boulay-Moselle
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8 Rue du Pressoir, 57220 Boulay-Moselle
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Rue de la Dime, Benfeld Benfeld (
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Rue des Lièvres Barr (
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Lapinlahdenpolku 6, 00101 Helsinki Jewish Cemeteries – Jewish Community of Helsinki (
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June 3rd 2023 at the National Museum of Resistance and Human Rights This visit allows you to rediscover the architectural heritage of Esch, as well as its history. More specifically, the city centre at the beginning of the 20th century and during the Shoah. The themes of the Nazi occupation, the resistance and the fate of the Jews are addressed. The tour takes you to the museum, the Synagogue ...
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Until October 2023 at the Jewish Museum of Greece This exhibition is actually a continuation of an exhibition that opened in 2022. The exhibition has been approved by the Ministry to be extended, allowing visitors to better understand the long and important Jewish history of Greece through the ancient monuments that evoke it.
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Until 3 October 2023 at the Jewish Museum Augsburg A very original initiative where the museum calls upon the schoolchildren of the city of Augsburg to imagine decorations for Pesach, the festival of liberation of the Jewish people. Its history and symbolism are told to the schoolchildren, who then use it as inspiration to share their artistic creations. ...
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5 Calle Santa María la Blanca, Seville (+34) 954 41 05 93
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Marjan Park, Split
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Ul. Svetog Leopolda Bogdana Mandića 25, 31000, Osijek
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Savieckaja, 11, Slonim
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Sovetskaya Ulitsa 5-1, Ružany
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Lindenlei, Ghent
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Rue des Sarts 112, 6001 Charleroi Tel +32 71 36 45 25
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Rue Pige au Croly 56, 6000 Charleroi Tel +32 71 31 10 66
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Rue de Diekirch 243, 6700 Arlon Tel : +32 63 22 46 79
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Rue de la Synagogue, 6700 Arlon Tel : +32 470 81 75 16 Synagogue d’Arlon – בית הכנסת ארלון
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Městys Chodová Planá – Chodová Planá (
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The Jewish presence in Rosheim seems to have been quite limited in the Middle Ages, but it is attested from the beginning of the 13th century. Expulsions, wars, and famines prevented the perpetuation of a Jewish life. But one person made history, Josel de Roheim. This lawyer and representative figure fought against anti-Semitism and for the improvement of the status of the Jews. The ...
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The Jewish presence in Würzburg dates back to at least the 11th century. After the repercussions of the Crusades in the 12th century, the Jewish population increased in the following century, especially with the arrival of Jews from surrounding towns such as Augsburg, Nuremberg and Rothenburg. At that time the community had a synagogue and a school. The development of the community at that ...
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The Jewish presence in Rothenburg dates back to at least the 12th century. The first mention of this presence dates from 1180. The establishment of a community in the following century, around 1241, when it was asked to pay a special tax. At that time, Rabbi Meïr settled in the town, followed by many pupils. Known as the Maharam, he was considered one of the greatest Talmudists of his time. ...
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