3, tř. Kpt. Jaroše 1922, 602 00 Brno-střed Tel : +420 544 509 622 Židovská obec Brno – Židovská obec Brno (zob.cz)
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3, tř. Kpt. Jaroše 1922, 602 00 Brno-střed Tel : +420 544 509 622 Židovská obec Brno – Židovská obec Brno (zob.cz)
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Úzká Street, Slavkov u Brna tel : +420607721765
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Městys Chodová Planá – Chodová Planá (chodovaplana.cz)
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Městys Chodová Planá – Chodová Planá (chodovaplana.cz)
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Dlouhá 2407, 438 01 Žatec Tel : +420 732 406 166 Muzeum a kulturní prostor synagoga Žatec (synagoga-zatec.cz)
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259 01 Votice Votice: Titulní stránka (mkcvotice.cz)
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400 01 Ústí nad Labem-město Statutární město Ústí nad Labem – Statutární město Ústí nad Labem (usti.cz)
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Pražská, 293 06 Mladá Boleslav Tel : +420 607 754 038 Sites touristiques : Mladá Boleslav (mb-net.cz)
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Klatovy II 168, 339 01 Klatovy Cimetière juif :: Synagogue-Klatovy (webnode.cz)
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391 65 Bechyně Jewsh cemetery – The town of Bechyně (mestobechyne.cz)
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Viareggio is a famous seaside town and an important cultural site. The Jewish presence is quite recent compared to other settlements in the area, dating mainly from the 20th century. About 50 Jewish families lived there in the 1930s. An was built in 1954 by the Procaccia family. It can accommodate about sixty people. Religious ceremonies are held there throughout the year. Tourists are also ...
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The Jewish presence in Calahorra dates from at least the 12th century, making it one of the oldest in Castile. They were involved in many economic activities, including real estate, trade and wine growing. Documents, some in Hebrew, attest to this. About 50 families lived in Calahorra at the beginning of the 13th century. By the end of that century, they numbered almost 500, representing ...
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Excavations undertaken in the city since 2006 to explore an archaeological site led to the discovery in 2019 of the ruins of a probably dating from the 13th century. This is one of the oldest traces of Jewish presence in the country, after the 3rd century synagogue in Plovdiv. One of the elements reinforcing the possibility that it was indeed a synagogue is the presence of an engraved Star of ...
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A beautiful was built in Vidin in 1894 by the architect Friedrich Grunanger. A two-storey building with impressive stained-glass windows. At that time, about 1500 Jews lived in Vidin. This number increased on the eve of the Second World War. It was damaged by bombing raids during the war. Although a large part of the compound remains, the roof is no longer present. Only a dozen Jews still ...
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Ahornstrasse 33, 4055 Basel https://www.chabadbasel.com/
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24 rue du Surmelin, 75020 Paris Tel : 01 40 30 18 60 https://judaismeenmouvement.org/lieux/surmelin/
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10 Rue du Cambodge, 75020 Paris https://dorvador.org/
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49 rue de Pali Kao, 75020 Paris Tel : 01 46 36 30 10
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120 bd de Belleville, 75020 Paris Tel : 09 86 25 57 19
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118 bd de Belleville, 75020 Paris Tel : 01 42 00 91 92
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84 rue de la Roquette, 75011 Paris Tel : 01 47 00 75 95 https://www.synagogue-laroquette.fr/
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