10 rue des Rosiers, 75004 Paris
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10 rue des Rosiers, 75004 Paris
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7 rue des Rosiers, 75004 Paris
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Square Marcel Rajman, 75011 Paris
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7 quai de l’Archevêché, 75004 Paris
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23 En Jurue, 57000 Metz
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19 boulevard Joffre 54000 Nancy
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Jubiliejaus g., 57142 Kėdainiai
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A. Kanapinsko g., 57315 Kėdainiai
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Lakstingalu, Kedainiai
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Senoji rinka 12, 57247 Kedainiai
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Pakruojo zydu kapines, 83184 Sigutenai
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Located within the boundaries of the Selçuk district, Ephesus was one of the most important cities in Ionia during the Roman Empire and the Classical period. The ancient city is famous for the remains that have been found there: the Cathedral of Mary, the Church of St John, the Celsius Library, the Temple of Artemis, etc. During the Roman era, Ephesus had a large Jewish population, and was ...
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Žvejų g. 19, 82213 Šeduva
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Seduva is a town formerly known for its agricultural production. The Jewish presence in Seduva appears to be quite ancient, dating back at least to the 15th century. At the end of the 18th century, there were around 500 Jewish families. A hundred years later, they made up 56% of the total population. This number declined in the early 20th century. The town had a yeshiva and a Jewish school. ...
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Ziezmariai lies at the crossroads of the road between Vilnius and Kaunas, and was often crossed and attacked by troops during regional conflicts. The Jewish presence in the town of Ziesmariai probably dates back to the 16th century. Jewish life gradually took shape, with the opening of Jewish schools and venues for social and cultural activities, including sport and theatre. A wooden was ...
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6 August 2023 at the Jewish Museum in Hohenems This public guided tour of the permanent exhibition (in German) will enable visitors to discover the various facets of Jewish daily life and history. The tour takes in the Jewish Museum and the former Jewish quarter of Hohenems. Visitors will be able to study the architecture of the period and its evolution as they stroll through the synagogue ...
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May 5 to August 27, 2023 at the Libeskind Building, Eric F. Ross Gallery, Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin Winner of the Dagesh Jewish Art Award for her video installation, Maya Schweizer deals with questions of history and memory and their relationship to Jewish art. With the fears and hopes that impermanence can represent regarding the museum itself as a place and in a wider societal ...
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Zatec is an ancient royal city, dating back to at least the 11th century. The Jewish presence in Zatec is very old, dating back to at least the 14th century. However, following attacks and expulsion, their official return only took place at the end of the 19th century. Indeed, only two Jewish families lived in Zatec in 1852. A was opened in 1869 and a inaugurated three years later. At its ...
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Este is a very old town, which served as a military base and was rebuilt around a castle following a destruction. It reached its peak during the Venetian era. Documents dating from 1389 attest to the settlement of Jews in Este in order to open a banking institution. A Jewish ghetto was established in 1666, in the district. It consisted of only a few houses and was accessible through a single ...
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Piazza del Duomo, 95100 Catania CT Tel +39 339 485 9942 Home | Basilica Cattedrale S.Agata V.M. di Catania (cattedralecatania.it)
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The Jewish presence in Forbach seems to date from the 17th century. Very few people were affected until the middle of the 18th century. An oratory was installed in 1733 and a small Jewish quarter began to form on rue Fabert. If on the eve of the French Revolution a complaint was lodged about the quota of Jews exceeding the authorized number, the wind of emancipation had rapid effects in the ...
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Jews from Germany settled in Boulay at the beginning of the 17th century. It is in this city that Raphaël Lévy lived, falsely accused and executed in 1670 for “ritual crime”. Duke Leopold confirmed the authorization of the settlement of 19 Jewish Boulageois families, which had a synagogue, built in 1670, a Jewish school and a . But their discretion is imposed and taxes put in ...
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The presence of Jews in Verdun was fleeting in the Middle Ages, often banned from settling there. Despite this, some Tossafist scholars of Verdun are references like Samuel Ben Hayim and Samuel Ben Yosef. Even in the 18th century attempts to settle Jews in the city for a long time met with little success and led to expulsions. The Jewish community was perpetuated at the time of the French ...
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Metz is surprising for many reasons. Firstly, the richness of its medieval architecture and that of subsequent centuries, influenced by numerous conquests and reconquests. With its palaces, symbols of authority, protective fortifications and bridges to other shores and cultures that blend harmoniously. Metz is anything but a city with a museum-like central district. It’s a city whose ...
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1 rue Suzanne, Toulon Tel : +33 (0)4 94 92 05 36 ACIT TOULON – CIM
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184 avenue Lazare Carnot, Toulon Tel : + 33 (0)4 94 92 61 05 CCITV TOULON – CIM
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Strada Habad Liubavici 8, Chișinău Tel : +373 22 541 023 Jewish Community Chabad Kishinev and Moldova
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