92100 Agrigento
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92100 Agrigento
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Via Eupili, 8, 20145 Milano Tel +3902316338 https://www.cdec.it/
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Via Cimitero Israelitico, 43019, Soragna
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Strada Cimitero San Cataldo, Modena Cemetery Office: +39 059 334103
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Via Blasia, Modena
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Via della Canalina, 2, 42123 Reggio Emilia RE
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Via dell’Aquila, 3, 42121 Reggio Emilia RE The Synagogue and the Jewish Ghetto — Turismo Reggiano (reggioemiliawelcome.it)
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Corso Benedetto Cairoli, 42121 Reggio Emilia RE Tel : + 39 0522 451328
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Via Alfredo Baccarini, 3, 48121 Ravenna RA Tel : + 39 0544 482112 https://www.classense.ra.it/
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Via Provenzali, Cento
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The Jewish presence in Reggio Emilia probably dates from the beginning of the 15th century. They benefited from the rather welcoming attitude of the local authorities. As the Duchies of Modena and Reggio remained independent when the Church took possession of the Duchy of Ferrara at the end of the 16th century, the Jews lived relatively free. The ghetto was created quite late, in 1669. The ...
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The Basilica and Catacombs of Sant’Antioco Martire (visitsantantioco.info)
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P.za Giuseppe Garibaldi 34, 06049 Spoleto PG Tel : +39 (0) 743 44140
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Competing with Corsica for the most beautiful beaches in Europe, Sardinia is obviously a very popular destination in summer. And for its nature parks, with their rare species of animals and plants. Craftsmen, merchants, intellectuals, rabbis, winegrowers… many professions bear witness to the diversity of European Jewish life in the Middle Ages. But they were also soldiers, taking part ...
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Umbria is a region in central Italy known for its charming little villages and medieval buildings, such as Orvieto Cathedral and Carbonana Castle. Although Jewish life in Perugia goes back a long way, as evidenced by a 1279 law ordering their expulsion and, above all, a manuscript from 1414, short films from the 1920s showing religious events have been shown to the public. Admittedly, these ...
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33038 San Daniele del Friuli Tel +39 366 894 2949
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Piazzale Giovanni Battista Resasco, Genoa Tel +39 010 557 6400 https://staglieno.comune.genova.it/
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Via Giovanni Bertora, Genoa Tel : +39 010 839 1513 info@cegenova.it
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Administrative documents attesting to the Jewish presence since at least the 16th century. Texts referring to Jewish bankers and doctors working in the city. Over time, these professions diversified, particularly in agriculture, silkworm cultivation and crafts. A synagogue was inaugurated in 1731. And four years later, the Jewish community bought land to place a . Among the ...
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The Jewish presence in this city is attested since at least the 1st century BC on the epitaph concerning one of its inhabitants. Archaeological excavations carried out in the region have made it possible to find traces of Hebrew characters in buildings, mainly churches. Nevertheless, despite such characters appearing in many churches, it could not be established whether it was previously ...
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The Friuli-Venezia Giulia region is well known for its art villages, some of which have been listed as World Heritage Sites, as well as for its gastronomic tourism, with a wide range of local specialities, and winter and summer sports. Archaeological digs in the region have traced the Jewish presence back more than two millennia, as witnessed by the epitaph written for one of the Jewish ...
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The Genoese Jewish presence seems to date back to at least the 6th century, when Theodoric authorized the community to renovate a synagogue there, which was destroyed during actions by hostile locals. This presence was very limited in the Middle Ages, Benjamin of Tudela only noted the presence of two Jews, dyers from North Africa. In the turn of the Spanish Inquisition, Jews were allowed to ...
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The small Mediterranean region of Liguria is famous for its long beaches and nature parks. But also for the important place in maritime history of its main city, Genoa. Although Liguria is not the region best known for its Jewish life, it is worth noting that it was in Genoa that the first Bible in several languages was published in 1516. The text even contains footnotes about ...
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Via del Cimitero, 82100 Benevento
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It seems that the Jewish presence in Benevento dates back to at least the 5th century. A yeshiva was established there in the 11th century by Hananeel ben Paltiel, a member of the family of the liturgical poet Ahimaatz ben Paltiel. Benjamin of Tudela noted there the presence of 200 Jewish families. Which did not undergo the same expulsions from the Kingdom of Naples as the other communities, ...
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The first traces of the Jewish presence in Amalfi date back to the 10th century. Letters found in the genizah of Cairo attest to this in particular. This small community worked mainly in clothing and silk in particular. An international trade with exchanges in Egypt, hence the indications of these letters. Benjamin de Tudèle mentions there the presence of about twenty families in 1159, ...
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The Campania region is renowned for its long and rich history, both ancient and contemporary. From the ancient monuments of Pompeii and Herculaneum to more recent ones such as the Vanvitelli Aqueduct and the Palazzo di Caserta, and of course the bustling city of Naples, which has featured in films from the post-war period to Paolo Sorrentino’s, not forgetting its mythical stadium. ...
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Santo Stefano, 88065 Catanzaro
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Strada provinciale Ofantina, Venosa tel + 39 0972 36095
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