The Jewish presence is mentioned in Morhange at the end of the 17th century, apparently with the installation of the first Jewish family.

In 1686, a complaint was filed by the inhabitants of the city against the presence of Jews, limiting their installation. They were forced to live mainly on a separate street. Most gradually left the city to settle in Metz.
The French Revolution and the emancipation of the Jews that followed allowed a resettlement in Morhange. A synagogue was built at the beginning of the 19th century. A rabbinate was set up in the city in 1910.
Forty-five Jews resided in Morhange in 1939. Six died in deportation during the Shoah and the synagogue was destroyed.
A plaque recalls the presence of the synagogue, whose facade is known mainly from old postcards celebrating it. But it was not rebuilt after the war, Morhange having very few Jews. The city also has a Jewish cemetery .