3 Filip van Maestrichtplein, 8400 Ostende Tel : +32 473 21 45 80 Home – Synagoge Oostende
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3 Filip van Maestrichtplein, 8400 Ostende Tel : +32 473 21 45 80 Home – Synagoge Oostende
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32 Hoverniersstraat, 2018 Antwerp
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22 Jacob Jacobstraat, 2018 Antwerp
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2 Van Den Nestlei, 2018 Antwerp +32 3 232 01 87
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Paviljoensgracht 72, 2512 BR The Hague +31 (0) 70 346 3123
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49 Somerton Rd, Belfast BT15 3LH +44 (0) 28 9077 5013 https://www.belfastjewishcommunity.org.uk/
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Synagogue Chambers, Princes Ave, Liverpool L8 1TG +44 (0) 151 709 3431 http://www.princesroad.org/
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21 Richmond Rd, Oxford OX1 2JL +44 (0) 1865 514356 http://www.ojc-online.org/
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6 Rue du Grand Rabin Joseph Cohen, 33000 Bordeaux +33 (0) 5 56 91 79 39 https://communautejuiveaquitaine.fr/visite-de-la-grande-synagogue-de-bordeaux/
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35 Rue Maubec, 64100 Bayonne +33 (0) 5 59 55 03 95 ACIBB
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2 Impasse Baudin, 34500 Béziers +33 (0) 4 67 28 22 89 Cathédrale Saint-Nazaire (ville-beziers.fr)
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1 Rue de la Barralerie, 34000 Montpellier, France
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117 Rue Breteuil, 13006 Marseille +33 (0) 4 91 81 13 57 http://consistoiredemarseille.com/
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Place de la Maison Carrée, 30000 Nîmes +33 (0) 4 66 76 35 03
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Rue Hébraïque, 84300 Cavaillon +33 (0) 4 90 72 26 86 http://www.cavaillon.org
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Place Maurice Charretier, 84200 Carpentras +33 (0) 4 90 63 39 97 Synagogue de Carpentras | Histoire Patrimoine Mémoire
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2, place Jérusalem, 84000 Avignon Tel : +33 4 90 85 21 24
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13, Quai Tilsitt, 69002 Lyon +33 (0) 4 78 37 13 43 http://consistoiredelyon.fr/
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20, rue des Charpentiers, 67000 Strasbourg +33 (0)3 88 52 28 28
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1A, Rue René Hirschler, 67000 Strasbourg Tel : +33 3 88 14 46 50 Synagogue de la Paix – Consistoire Israélite du Bas-Rhin
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8, rue du 22 novembre (ancienne rue des juifs), 67448 Marmoutier
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5, rue des Ecoles, 67440 Marmoutier
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5, rue de la Synagogue, 68300 Saint-Louis +33 (0)3 89 69 84 50
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46, avenue de la Libération, 14000 Caen +33 (0)2 31 43 60 54
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36, rue aux Juifs, 76000 Rouen Tel : + 33 2 35 52 48 09 La Maison Sublime (visitezlamaisonsublime.fr)
Plus d'infosRégion
It was not until the law passed in 1814, prohibiting the entry of Jews into Norway, was revoked in 1851, that Jews could officially settle in Oslo. A small Jewish community was organised and recognised in 1892, with 29 members. Following a separation of the community, two separate synagogues were opened in 1920. Norwegian Jewish cultural activity developed, especially through the press. First ...
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Visitors walking on the street named after Norway's national poet Henrik Wergeland (1808-45) will be reminded that it was Wergeland who was behind the law that allowed Jews to immigrate to this country. Most of Norway's Jews live in Oslo (950 people), with about 100 living in Trondheim. The Norwegian community can pride itself on having given Israel a minister: the great rabbi Michael Melchior, who
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Jews have lived in Göteborg since 1782. The Conservative (masorti) rite synagogue is located at the same address as the community center. There is also an Orthodox minyan in Göteborg. Before settling in the city of Gothenburg in 1792, Jews were welcomed along with other minorities to the nearby island of Marstrand. Although the first synagogue was built in 1808, the presence of a rabbi did ...
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The large university city of Uppsala does not have a Jewish community but it does have a Jewish studies department.
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Sweden's Jewish community is the most important one in Scandinavia, as much in terms of the number of practicing faithful (18000-20000) as culturally. In February 2000, the Swedish capital hosted the International Conference of the Shoah, dedicated to drawing attention to the process of Jewish stolen goods and to the teaching of the genocide.
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