Ctra. de Montjuïc 66, 08038 Barcelona +34 932 56 44 45 https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/castelldemontjuic/en
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Ctra. de Montjuïc 66, 08038 Barcelona +34 932 56 44 45 https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/castelldemontjuic/en
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Plaça del Rei, s/n, 08002 Barcelona +34 932 56 21 00 https://www.barcelona.cat/museuhistoria/ca
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Carrer de la Força, 27, 17004 Girona +34 972 22 22 29 https://www.girona.cat/turisme/fra/museus_historia.php
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Monasterio de Sant Pere de Galligants, Carrer de Santa Llúcia, 8, 17004 Girona +34 972 20 26 32 https://www.girona.cat/turisme/eng/museus_mac.php
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Carrer de la Força, 8 17004 Girona +34 972 216 761 https://www.girona.cat/turisme/fra/museus_call.php
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Plaça Jacint Verdaguer, 3, 17486 Castelló d’Empúries +34 972 15 80 19 Musée d’Histoire Médiéval de la Curie-Prison, XIVème siècle – Castelloempuriabrava
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Plaza de Santo Domingo, 8, 24002 León +34 987 23 64 05 Musée de León – Site Officiel de Tourisme. Junta de Castilla y León (turismocastillayleon.com)
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C/ Socorro, 11, 40003 Segovia Tel. 921 460 615 Museos provinciales | Museos | Junta de Castilla y León (jcyl.es)
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Palazzo Ducale di Urbino, Piazzale Duca Federico, 61029 Urbino +39 (0)722 2760 http://www.gallerianazionalemarche.it/
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Via Giovanni Palatucci, 5, 34148 Trieste +39 040 826202 http://www.risierasansabba.it/
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Via Matteo Renato Imbriani, 5, 34122 Trieste Tel +39 040 675 4039 http://www.museomorpurgo.it/
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Via del Monte 5-7, 34100 Trieste tel +39 040 2331318 Museum of the Jewish Community of Trieste Carlo e Vera Wagner (museoebraicotrieste.it)
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Sestiere Cannaregio, 2902/b, 30121 Venezia Tel +39 (0) 41 5246083 The Venetian Ghetto
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Via Lanfranco, 6, 26029 Soncino +39 (0)374 83171 http://www.museostampasoncino.it/
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Via Valdonica, 1/5, 40126 Bologna +39 (0)51 291 1280 https://www.museoebraicobo.it/
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Via Micali, 21, 57125 Livorno +39 (0)586 839772 Museo Ebraico Yeshivà Marini | Città di Livorno (comune.livorno.it)
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Piazza del Campo, 1, 53100 Siena +39 (0)577 292226
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Viale dei Romagnoli, 717, 00119 Roma Tel : +39 (0) 6 56358099 https://www.ostiaantica.beniculturali.it/it/home/
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Piazza di Sant’Egidio, 1/b, 00153 Roma +39 (0)6 0608 https://www.museodiromaintrastevere.it/it/informazioni_pratiche/biglietti
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R. das Janelas Verdes, 1249-017 Lisboa +351 21 391 2800 http://www.museudearteantiga.pt/
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Kornhausgasse 8, Basel +41 (0) 61 261 95 14 http://www.juedisches-museum.ch/
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Hintere Judengasse 6, 67547 Worms +49(0) 6241 853 470 1 https://www.juedischesmuseum-worms.de/juedisches-museum-FR/
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Untermainkai 14/15, 60311 Frankfurt am Main +49 (0) 69 21235000 http://juedischesmuseum.de/
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Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin Tel : +49 (0)30 259 93 549 http://www.jmberlin.de/
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Rosenthaler Str. 39, 10178 Berlin +49 (0) 30 288865600 http://www.annefrank.de/
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Niederkirchnerstraße 8, 10963 Berlin Tel : +49 (0)30 254 5090 http://www.topographie.de/en/
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Brückenstraße 10, 54290 Trier +49 (0) 651 970680 https://www.fes.de/marx/index_gr.html
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Bilker Str. 12-14, 40213 Düsseldorf +49 (0) 211 8992902 https://www.duesseldorf.de/heineinstitut/
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Kazerne Dossin, 153 Goswin de Stassartstraat, 2800 Malines Tel : +32 15 29 06 60 https://www.kazernedossin.eu
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21, rue des Minimes, 1000 Bruxelles 0032 (0) 2 512 19 63 Musée Juif de Belgique – Art et histoire du judaïsme et des Juifs en Belgique. (mjb-jmb.org)
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