Evraiko Nekrotafio Chalkidas, Messapion ke Anapafseos, Chalkida 341 00 tel +30 697 194 9816
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Evraiko Nekrotafio Chalkidas, Messapion ke Anapafseos, Chalkida 341 00 tel +30 697 194 9816
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Kotsou 27, Chalkida 341 00 tel +30 2221 060111
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The Jewish presence in Larissa seems to date back to ancient times. Archaeological excavations indicate that this presence has probably been continuous for 1900 years. Following the Spanish Inquisition, Jews settled there. Among them are many scientists, philosophers and entrepreneurs. They thus participated in the development of the whole city. The community is known for its large number of ...
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The great peculiarity of the Jewish community of Chalkis is that Jews lived there uninterrupted for over 2,500 years! Probably one of the few in Europe in this case. They settled mainly in the northeast of the fortress. 2000 years ago, Flavius Joseph already mentions the presence of Jews in the Greek city in his work. The same goes for the traveler Benjamin de Tudela twelve centuries ...
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Brahenkatu 17, 20100 Turku Tel : + 358 40 0526009
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Etu-Töölö, Helsinki Tel : +358 9 586 0310 https://www.jchelsinki.fi/en/node/220393
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Unioninkatu 36, 00170 Helsinki Tel : + 358 2941 23196 https://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/en
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Malminkatu 26, 00100 Helsinki Tel : +358 9 586 0310 https://www.jchelsinki.fi/en
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Turku was an important city when Finland was part of the Kingdom of Sweden before independence. It has a Jewish presence dating back to the 19th century, with some dating back to 1853. Following the city’s donation of a plot of land in 1900, the Turku was built in 1912. Mainly architecturally influenced by Byzantine art and Art Nouveau, which was very popular at the time. The ...
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Chemin du Grès, Vauvert
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207 rue Ménard, Lunel
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Four hundred Jews lived in Posquières in the 12th century, according to the Benjamin of Tudela’s travels. A city where, as the author recounts, a community very much invested in study and research was maintained. Like other towns in the region at the time. Benjamin of Tudela notes the presence of a Talmudic school run by Rabbi Abraham ben David. Which wouldn’t be just a local ...
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In his Book of Travels, Benjamin of Tudela mentions the Jewish community of Lunel. As well as the active study of texts by students and the spiritual leader Rabbi Meshoullam. According to Tudela, Meshoullam was surrounded by his five children during his activities. Children who later became rabbis: Joseph, Isaac, Jacob, Aaron and Asher. For this community of only 300 members, according to the ...
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Once a city and now a village, Michaël Iancu describes in his book Les Juifs de Montpellier et des terrains d’Oc the contribution of Lattes to the development of Montpellier in the Middle Ages and its importance in the region’s Jewish cultural and intellectual heritage. The surname “de Lattes” was frequent at the time among the Jews and probably carried because of ...
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31 August 1989 St 121 A, Chisinau +373 22 244 325 https://www.nationalmuseum.md/en/
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Strada Columna 150, Chisinau, Moldova
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Strada Tighina, Chișinău 2001, Moldova +373 22 277 848
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Strada Eugen Doga 5, Chișinău, Moldova +373 (22) 509602 Kedem – The Kishinev Jacobs Jewish Campus
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Strada Columna 72, Chișinău, Moldova
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