6 Mordechaja Anielewicza St., 00-157 Warsaw +48 22 471 03 01 http://www.polin.pl/
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6 Mordechaja Anielewicza St., 00-157 Warsaw +48 22 471 03 01 http://www.polin.pl/
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Vězeňská 1, 110 00 Praha 1 +420 222 749 211 Španělská synagoga | Židovské muzeum v Praze (jewishmuseum.cz)
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Široká 23/3, 110 00 Praha +420 222 749 211 Pinkasova synagoga | Židovské muzeum v Praze (jewishmuseum.cz)
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U starého hřbitova 3a, 110 00 Praha +420 221 711 511 Klausová synagoga | Židovské muzeum v Praze (jewishmuseum.cz)
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Maiselova 10, 110 00 Praha 1 +420 222 749 464 Navštivte nás | Židovské muzeum v Praze (jewishmuseum.cz)
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U Staré školy 141/1, 110 00 Praha 1 +420 222 749 211 http://www.jewishmuseum.cz/
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Židovská 297/17, 811 01 Bratislava +421 2/593 491 42
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Nefelejcs utca 26., 1078 Budapest +36 1 341 6789 http://rothmuzeum.hu/
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Unterbergstraße 6, 7000 Eisenstadt +43 2682 65145
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Judenplatz 8, 1010 Wien +43 1 5350431 http://www.jmw.at
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Dorotheergasse 11, 1010 Wien +43 1 5350431 http://www.jmw.at
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Via del Monte 5-7, 34100 Trieste tel +39 040 2331318 Museum of the Jewish Community of Trieste Carlo e Vera Wagner (museoebraicotrieste.it)
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Sestiere Cannaregio, 2902/b, 30121 Venezia Tel +39 (0) 41 5246083 The Venetian Ghetto
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Vicolo Salomone Olper 44, 15033 Casale Monferrato Tel : +39 (0) 142 71807 http://www.casalebraica.info/
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Via Valdonica, 1/5, 40126 Bologna +39 (0)51 291 1280 https://www.museoebraicobo.it/
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Via Micali, 21, 57125 Livorno +39 (0)586 839772 Museo Ebraico Yeshivà Marini | Città di Livorno (comune.livorno.it)
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Lungotevere De’ Cenci, 00186 Roma Tel +39 06 6840 0661 Jewish Museum of Rome (museoebraico.roma.it)
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R. Dr. Joaquim Jacinto 73, Tomar Tel : +351 249 329 823
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Carrer de la Força, 8 17004 Girona +34 972 216 761 https://www.girona.cat/turisme/fra/museus_call.php
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Calle de Samuel Levi, s/n, 45002 Toledo +34 925 22 36 65 http://www.culturaydeporte.gob.es/msefardi/museo.html
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Kornhausgasse 8, Basel +41 (0) 61 261 95 14 http://www.juedisches-museum.ch/
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Hintere Judengasse 6, 67547 Worms +49(0) 6241 853 470 1 https://www.juedischesmuseum-worms.de/juedisches-museum-EN/
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Untermainkai 14/15, 60311 Frankfurt am Main +49 (0) 69 21235000 http://juedischesmuseum.de/
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Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin +49 (0) 30 25993300 http://www.jmberlin.de/
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190 Cheetham Hill Rd, Manchester M8 8LW +44 (0) 161 834 9879 http://www.manchesterjewishmuseum.com/
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70, Route de Lambraz, 01300 Izieu +33 (0) 4 79 87 21 05 http://www.memorializieu.eu/
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62, Grand Rue, 67330 Bouxwiller +33 (0)3 88 70 97 17 http://judaisme.sdv.fr/today/musee/
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12, place du Général Koenig, 67270 Hochfelden +33 (0)3 88 89 04 52 Hochfelden (judaisme-alsalor.fr)
Plus d'infosRégion
The Jews in the capital of Italy are perhaps the oldest Romans of all. They have settled in the same ancient neighborhoods in the heart of the Eternal City for 2000 years, making their homes in the former ghetto, in Trastevere, and on both sides of the Tiber River where it is crossed by the Ponte Fabricio or Ponte Quattro Capi. Not only one of the oldest communities of the peninsula, Roman ...
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Brussels, the capital of the European institutions, a celebratory place appreciated by tourists, but also a city immortalised by the numerous comic strips born there, remains an amazing city. The cohabitation of a magnificent old town, office towers, and numerous bars where one finds the warm Belgian spirit. But also a worrying radicalism and its drifts, as illustrated by the terrorist attack ...
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