3 rue Pellot, 64200 Biarritz Tel : 05 59 55 03 95 ACIBB – Synagogue de Biarritz
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3 rue Pellot, 64200 Biarritz Tel : 05 59 55 03 95 ACIBB – Synagogue de Biarritz
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6 Rue de l’As de Carreau, 90000 Belfort Tel : +33 3 84 28 55 41
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15 rue de la Halle, Toul
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10 Rue Albert Joly, 78000 Versailles Tél. : 01 39 07 19 19 https://www.synagogueversailles.com/
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‘Apart from Versailles, I didn’t know you could talk about views’, declared Jean Gabin in the movie The Gentleman of Epsom. Versailles is indeed immortalised by its history, its kings and queens, its castle, its works of art and its gardens, as the busloads of tourists testify. But the town to the south-west of Paris has also been home to a very active Jewish life since the end of the ...
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A very old Jewish community, Toul has hosted many great religious figures such as the tosafists. Following threats of eviction from the region by religious authorities at the start of the 18th century, around 100 Jewish families were authorized by Duke Leopold to stay. Léon Cohen, an important figure in local Jewish life, would take part a century later in the General Assembly convened by ...
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The Jewish presence in Biarritz was very weak until the end of the 19th century. The Jews present are mainly attached to Bayonne for the celebrations of religious festivals and ceremonies. However, the transformation of the fishing town into a renowned summer and spa destination will be a game-changer. The community of Biarritz really took shape at the end of the 19th century, following a ...
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If a Jewish presence is mentioned in documents from the Middle Ages, the establishment of a community rather took place at the end of the 18th century. Their presence in neighboring towns such as Foussemagne is older. The emancipation of the Jews of France with the spirit and authority of the French Revolution facilitates their installation. Thus, from 1791, they mainly lived in the old town. ...
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4, rue des Bains – 38000 Grenoble Tél. : 04 76 46 15 14 Grenoble – Consistoire Régional de Lyon (consistoireregionaldelyon.org)
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11, rue André Maginot – 38000 Grenoble Tél. : 04 76 87 02 80
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317 Rue Duguesclin – 69007 LYON Tél. : 04 78 58 18 74 www.nevehchalom.fr
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29 Rue du Château d’Eau, 75010 Paris Tél : 01 47 00 14 00 Accueil
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52 Rue René Boulanger, 75010 Paris Tél : 01 42 02 17 08 https://www.centre-medem.org/
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10 Rue Saint-Claude, 75003 Paris Tél : 01 42 71 68 19 https://www.cerclebernardlazare.org/
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15 Rue Notre Dame de Nazareth, 75003 Paris Tél : 01 42 78 00 30 Synagogue Nazareth – Synagogue consistorial
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Around the Place de la République, you will find one of the oldest places in Paris attesting to the Jewish cultural heritage of Paris: the synagogue of Nazareth. But also very active cultural institutions such as the Cercle Bernard Lazare, the Center Medem and the Maison de la Culture Yiddish. By order of June 29, 1819, King Louis XVIII authorized the Consistory to build the first major in ...
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30 rue Céline Robert, 94300 Vincennes Tel : www.synagoguevincennes.fr
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12 Rue Ancelle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Tél : 01 47 47 78 76 www.synaneuilly.com
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10 bis avenue du Château, 94210 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés Tél : www.hillelweb.com
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Constructed in 1935, the was built following the installation of Parisian Jews in this pleasant suburb crossed by La Marne. Eminent rabbis such as Jacob Kaplan, Jean Kling, Meyer Jaïs and Jacob Madar officiate there. The distribution of places in the synagogue is quite classic. A vestibule precedes a nave. The sanctuary is marked by an apse. The reception of men on the ground floor and women ...
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Jews living in Neuilly since the mid-19th century organized a small oratory on rue Louis-Philippe in 1869. 140 Jews were identified in the community in 1872. Following the purchase of land, in particular thanks to the philanthropist Godchaux Oulry, rue Jacques-Dulud in 1875, the architect Emile Ulmann, Grand Prix of Rome, takes the works in hand. The was inaugurated in 1878. A ...
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In 2010, following the centenary celebrations of the Vincennes – Saint-Mandé synagogue, a book written by Dominique Jarrassé, with the participation of Elie Zajac, was published as a tribute to this beautiful synagogue and its fraternal spirit. Laurent Lafont, mayor of Vincennes, and Patrick Baudouin, mayor of Saint-Mandé, wrote moving texts at the beginning of the book, recalling the ...
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43 rue des Abondances, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt Tel : 01 46 03 90 63 https://synaboulogne.com/
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500 boulevard Antigone, 34000 Montpellier Tel : +33 4 67 15 08 76 https://www.ccj34.com/
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7 rue du Général Lafon, 34000 Montpellier Tel : + 33 4 67 92 92 07
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45 rue Proudhon, 34000 Montpellier Tel : + 33 4 99 58 35 80
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8 rue George Bernard Shaw, 75015 Paris Tel : +33 (0) 1 45 67 97 96 https://www.adathshalom.org/
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rue du Cimetière, Ettelbruck
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52 rue du Canal, Esch-sur-Alzette Homepage
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45 avenue Monterey, Luxembourg Tel : + 352 45 29 14 20 Home – Accueil
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