Ancient synagogue of Benfeld
Rue de la Dime, Benfeld Benfeld (
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Ancient synagogue of Barr
Rue des Lièvres Barr (
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Ancient Jewish cemetery of Helsinki
Lapinlahdenpolku 6, 00101 Helsinki Jewish Cemeteries – Jewish Community of Helsinki (
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Embarcadero Ribotas
Rua Merelles
Calle Sinagoga
Calle Rabilero
Carrer dels Jueus
Puerta de Reinosa
Ancient synagogue of Seville
5 Calle Santa María la Blanca, Seville (+34) 954 41 05 93
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Jerez de la Frontera
The Jewish community has existed since Visigothic times and grew considerably under the Muslim occupation. When the first Christian troops arrived in 1266 under the command of Alfonso X of Castile, there were many synagogues, but most of the Jews preferred to leave the city and take refuge in Granada, which was still in Muslim hands. A few years later, Alfonso X the Wise sought to ...
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Calle Pavaneras
Jewish cemetery of Marjan
Marjan Park, Split
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Jewish cemetery of the Upper Town of Osijek
Ul. Svetog Leopolda Bogdana Mandića 25, 31000, Osijek
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Synagogue of Slonim
Savieckaja, 11, Slonim
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Synagogue of Ruzhany
Sovetskaya Ulitsa 5-1, Ružany
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Michael Lustig Monument
Lindenlei, Ghent
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Jewish cemetery of Marcinelle
Rue des Sarts 112, 6001 Charleroi Tel +32 71 36 45 25
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Synagogue of Charleroi
Rue Pige au Croly 56, 6000 Charleroi Tel +32 71 31 10 66
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Jewish Cemetery of Arlon
Rue de Diekirch 243, 6700 Arlon Tel : +32 63 22 46 79
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Synagogue of Arlon
Rue de la Synagogue, 6700 Arlon Tel : +32 470 81 75 16 Synagogue d’Arlon – בית הכנסת ארלון
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Este is a very old town, which served as a military base and was rebuilt around a castle following a destruction. It reached its peak during the Venetian era. Documents dating from 1389 attest to the settlement of Jews in Este in order to open a banking institution. A Jewish ghetto was established in 1666, in the district. It consisted of only a few houses and was accessible through a single ...
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As a border town between Italy and Austria, Cormons has been home to Jews probably since the 16th century. In 1565, the Archduke Charles of Austria granted protection to the Jews of the region. The trades practised by the Jews diversified over time. Thus, not limited to certain financial activities, they distinguished themselves in the production of spirits and in leather. In particular, they ...
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The Jewish presence in Wintzenheim seems to be very old and important, the city having been the seat of a rabbinate since 1808. If we find traces of a synagogue in the 18th century, the one which remains today probably dates from 1750 and benefited from restoration works in 1828 and 1870. The was classified as a historical monument in 1995. In 2000, on the occasion of the 250th ...
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The Jewish presence in Westhoffen seems to be very old, as evidenced by the existence of a prayer room in the 17th century, probably dating from 1626. At that time, there were about 100 Jews in Westhoffen. The following century, the community benefited from a synagogue, built in 1760. The synagogue, faced with the development of Jewish life, soon proved to be too small, as the town had nearly ...
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The Jewish presence seems to be quite old. A synagogue welcomed the faithful in the 19th century. It was inaugurated in 1827 and restored in the 1860s. At that time, Soultz-sous-Forêts played an important role in Jewish religious institutions. Nevertheless, it was demolished in 1897 to be replaced by a new . Destroyed during the Holocaust, the synagogue was restored after the war and reopened ...
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The Jewish presence in Saverne seems to date from the 12th century. Nevertheless, its perpetuation dates rather from the 17th century. An oratory dating from this century would have been located in the Judenhof of the time. On the eve of the French Revolution, a synagogue was built in the same area. However, it was destroyed by fire in 1850. In 1898 the construction of the new synagogue ...
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The Jewish presence in Guebwiller dates back to at least the 13th century. About ten families lived there. This encouraged the inauguration of a synagogue at the beginning of the 14th century. Nevertheless, following the persecutions of 1349, this community ceased to exist. As in other cities in the region in the following centuries, their presence was very limited and generally reserved for ...
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The Jewish presence in Bischwiller dates back at least to the 14th century, since during the persecutions of 1349, references to those committed in the town were found. As in many other towns in the region in the following centuries, Jews were allowed to stay there during the day for certain economic activities, but not to reside there. Thus, it was not until the consequences of the ...
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