80, rue des Primeurs, 1090 Bruxelles 0032 (0) 2 332 25 28 http://www.beth-hillel.org/
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80, rue des Primeurs, 1090 Bruxelles 0032 (0) 2 332 25 28 http://www.beth-hillel.org/
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32, rue de la Régence, 1000 Bruxelles +32 (0) 2 512 43 34 The Great Synagogue Europe | Synagogue | Bruxelles (synaregence.eu)
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2, rue Joseph Dupont, 1000 Bruxelles 0032 (0) 2 512 43 34 http://www.jewishcom.be/
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Begraafplaats, Scheveningseweg 21a, 2117 KS, La Haye
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Oosthalen 8, 9414 TG Hooghalen +31 (0) 593 592 600 http://www.kampwesterbork.nl/
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Paviljoensgracht 72, 2512 BR La Haye +31 (0) 70 346 3123
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Cornelis Houtmanstraat 11, 2593 RD La Haye Tel : + 31 70 347 32 01 Joodse Gemeente Den Haag – Nederland Israelitische Gemeente in de regio Den Haag (joodsdenhaag.nl)
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Prinsengracht 263-267, 1016 GV Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 556 7105 http://www.annefrank.org/fr/
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Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 91, 1011 LM Amsterdam +31 (0) 87 876 5225 http://www.beithachidush.nl/
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Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 173-175, 1011 LN Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 622 5333 https://www.gassan.com/
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Mr. Visserplein 3, 1011 RD Amsterdam Tel : + 31 (0) 206245351 Portugees-Israëlietische Gemeente – Official Website of the Portuguese Jewish Community of Amsterdam (esnoga.com)
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Plantage Kerklaan 61A, 1018 CX Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 620 2535 https://www.verzetsmuseum.org
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Plantage Middenlaan 24, 1018 DE Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 531 0310
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Waterlooplein 2, 1011 NV Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 552 4074 Waterlooplein flea market Amsterdam – The oldest flea market
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St. Antoniebreestraat 69, 1011 HB Amsterdam
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Museumstraat 1, 1071 XX Amsterdam Tel : +31 (0) 20 6747 000 https://www.rijksmuseum.nl
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Jodenbreestraat 4, 1011 NK Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 520 0400 http://www.rembrandthuis.nl/
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Nieuwe Amstelstraat 1, 1011 PL Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 531 0310 Joods Museum + junior | Joods Cultureel Kwartier (jck.nl)
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49 Somerton Rd, Belfast BT15 3LH +44 (0) 28 9077 5013 https://www.belfastjewishcommunity.org.uk/
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Zion Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 +353 (0) 1 492 37 51
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32a Rathfarnham Road, Terenure, Dublin 6 +353 (0) 1 4923751 https://www.dublinhebrew.org/
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228 South Circular Road, Dublin 8 tel +353 1 453 4422
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37 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2
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35 N Great George’s St, Dublin 1 +353 (0) 1 878 8547 http://jamesjoyce.ie/
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3 Walworth Rd, Dublin 8 Tel : +353 1 546 1096 Irish Jewish Museum – a heritage like no other…
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C’est à la fin du XIXe siècle que la communauté juive de Dublin a atteint son apogée. Elle était installée autour de la South Circular Road – Warren Street, Martin Street et St Kevin’s Parade – que les Dublinois surnommaient d’ailleurs « La Petite Jérusalem ».
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Synagogue Chambers, 4 Salisbury Rd, Edinburgh EH16 5AB +44 (0) 131 667 3144 http://www.ehcong.com/
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129 Hill St, Glasgow G3 6UB +44 (0) 141 332 4151 http://garnethill.org.uk/
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311 Stonegate Road, Leeds, LS17 6AZ +44 (0) 0113 218 5869 http://www.leedsjewishcommunity.com/
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Synagogue Chambers, Princes Ave, Liverpool L8 1TG +44 (0) 151 709 3431 http://www.princesroad.org/
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